Linking freight costs to orders

You can add a miscellaneous charge to the Sales Order or even more
specifically, just the Order Line if needed.

To add misc charges to a job, see below:

Summary: AP How to create AP invoice and misc charges that effect my job ?
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Page: 5525MPS

Page 5525MPS

AP How to create AP invoice and misc charges that effect my job ?

What is a Job Miscellaneous Line:
This line type is used to add miscellaneous charges for materials used
on specific jobs.

What is the Job Miscellaneous Detail Sheet:
The Job Miscellaneous Detail sheet lets you enter or edit a job
miscellaneous charge. These charges always apply to a specific job
material. This sheet lets you select the job, assembly, and material
onto which this charge applies.

Things to remember:
You can only add a job miscellaneous charge if the current line is a
Job Miscellaneous line and the option to create misc job lines is
indicated within the job itself. This material must also be selected
as a Miscellaneous Charge material on the job record. Also, the
setting within company configuration under modules, production, job in
the change engineered jobs, the prevent changes checkbox will allow AP
personnel to add miscellaneous job charges.

How to set my job to allow the misc charges:
Go to the Production management > Job Management > General Operations
> Job Entry
1) Select the job and unselect the indicators for Engineered and Released
This opens the job to changes
2) Indicate in the job the Misc Charge check box
Miscellaneous Charge
When selected, this check box indicates that this material will be
listed as a Job Miscellaneous line within AP Invoice Entry.
3) Select the Charge Name from the drop down box
4) return to the Job tab and indicate the job as engineered and released

How to Add the Misc Charge to the Job at the AP invoice: Financial
Management > Accounts Payable > Invoice Entry New > New Group Create
the group > Save New > New Invoice Supplier > Search Supplier >
Highlight Supplier > OK Enter Invoice number, Invoice date and the
amount > Save New > New Job Misc Line Enter a description for the part
Enter the Vendor Qty and Unit Cost > Save New > New Job Charge Search
or enter the Job ID Select the Assembly and Material
The assembly on which this miscellaneous charge applies. You can enter
this assembly number directly, select an assembly from the list, or
click the Asm button to find and select it. For example: Update Misc
Job Charges
The job material on which this miscellaneous charge applies. You can
enter this material directly, select a material from the list, or
click the Mtl button to find and select it.
The charges that you have entered will reflect back to the job and the
job costs.


--- In, Thomas Rose <t.rose@...> wrote:
> I want to link the cost of freight out to a sales order or job. So,
I get the shipper's invoice in, and I am entering it in Accounts
Payable Invoice Entry. Is there a way to link that freight cost to
the sales order (ideal), or to the underlying job (less than ideal
because some sales orders are fulfilled from stock)?
> Thom Rose
> Controller
> Electric Mirror LLC
> "The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"
> T 425 776-4946
> F 425 491-8200
> A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I want to link the cost of freight out to a sales order or job. So, I get the shipper's invoice in, and I am entering it in Accounts Payable Invoice Entry. Is there a way to link that freight cost to the sales order (ideal), or to the underlying job (less than ideal because some sales orders are fulfilled from stock)?

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
F 425 491-8200
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]