Locking qty up to required?

Rob has posted code for this and other collection issues.  I have used them with slight modification of course.


Miguel A. Santillan

Compass Manufacturing Systems


From: vantage@yahoogroups.com [mailto:vantage@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2016 6:38 AM
To: vantage@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [Vantage] locking qty up to required?



Is there away to not allow, or at least pop up a warning if someone is trying to report more of a quantity that the job allows? We rarely have anyone overproduce, and if they do for the most part it's scrapped anyways. Most of the errors we get in reporting is someone typing the wrong number in the quantity reported, or trying to complete a quantity that someone else already reported as completed (like when welders or assemblers are working on an operation together). I can't find anything that does this out of the box. Is there something like this? or is this something that we need a BPM for?



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Is there away to not allow, or at least pop up a warning if someone is trying to report more of a quantity that the job allows? We rarely have anyone overproduce, and if they do for the most part it's scrapped anyways. Most of the errors we get in reporting is someone typing the wrong number in the quantity reported, or trying to complete a quantity that someone else already reported as completed (like when welders or assemblers are working on an operation together). I can't find anything that does this out of the box. Is there something like this? or is this something that we need a BPM for?

Here is an old V8 example of an MES End Activity customization
- pops up different messages depending on previous qtys and new qty being reported


'// Custom VB.NET code for EndActForm

'// Rev01: 7/12/2010 -


'// Custom Assembly References

'// Epicor.Mfg.AD.JobEntry

'// Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobEntry

'// Epicor.Mfg.IF.IJobEntry

'// Epicor.Mfg.AD.JobOperSearch

'// Epicor.Mfg.BO.JobOperSearch

'// Epicor.Mfg.IF.IJobOperSearch

'// Epicor.Mfg.AD.Labor

'// Epicor.Mfg.BO.Labor

'// Epicor.Mfg.IF.ILabor


Imports System

Imports System.Data

Imports System.Diagnostics

Imports System.Windows.Forms

Imports System.ComponentModel

Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.FrameWork

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.ExtendedProps

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.FormFunctions

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.Customization

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters

Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.Searches

Imports Epicor.Mfg.BO


Module Script


            '// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do Not Remove 'Begin/End Wizard Added Module Level Variables' Comments! **

            '// Begin Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

            '// End Wizard Added Module Level Variables **

            '// Add Custom Module Level Variables Here **

Sub InitializeCustomCode()

            '// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Variable Intialization' lines **

            '// Begin Wizard Added Variable Intialization

            '// End Wizard Added Variable Intialization

            '// Begin Custom Method Calls

            '// End Custom Method Calls


End Sub


Sub DestroyCustomCode()

            '// ** Wizard Insert Location - Do not delete 'Begin/End Wizard Added Object Disposal' lines **

            '// Begin Wizard Added Object Disposal

            '// End Wizard Added Object Disposal

            '// Begin Custom Code Disposal

            '// End Custom Code Disposal

End Sub


 Private Sub SetExtendedProperties()

    Dim edvcJobOper As EpiDataView = CType(oTrans.EpiDataViews("cJobOper"),EpiDataView)

        If edvcJobOper.dataView.Table.Columns.Contains("RunQty") Then

            ' Begin Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvcJobOper-RunQty

            edvcJobOper.dataView.Table.Columns("RunQty").ExtendedProperties("Format") = "->>>,>>>,>>>,>>9.99"

            ' End Wizard Added ExtendedProperty Settings: edvcJobOper-RunQty

        End If

    End Sub


Private Sub LaborDtl_BeforeFieldChange(ByVal sender As object, ByVal args As DataColumnChangeEventArgs) Handles LaborDtl_Column.ColumnChanging

            '// ** Argument Properties and Uses **

            '// args.Row("[FieldName]")

            '// args.Column, args.ProposedValue, args.Row


            'Add Event Handler Code


            Select Case args.Column.ColumnName

                        Case "LaborQty"


    ' Imports Epicor.Mfg.UI.Adapters

    Dim joAdapt As JobOperSearchAdapter = New JobOperSearchAdapter(EndActForm)


    Dim gotJo As Boolean = false


        gotJo = joAdapt.GetByID(args.Row("jobNum"), args.Row("assemblySeq"), args.Row("oprSeq"))

        catch e as exception

        'oTrans.PushStatusText("Did not get Job " + args.Row("JobNum"),false)

    end try


    Dim previousQuantityReported as decimal = 0


        previousQuantityReported = GetPreviousQuantityReported(args.Row("JobNum"),args.Row("AssemblySeq"),args.Row("oprSeq"))

        catch e as exception

        ' oTrans.PushStatusText("Did not get Previous Quantity for Job " + args.Row("JobNum") + ", " + e.message,false)

    end try


    Dim currentQuantityReported as decimal = args.ProposedValue

    Dim totalQuantityReported as decimal = CDEC(previousQuantityReported) + CDEC(currentQuantityReported)

    Dim remainingQuantity as decimal = joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty") - previousQuantityReported


    if gotJo


            Dim dRes As DialogResult

            if totalQuantityReported >  joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty")

                MessageBox.Show("The current quantity entered of " + args.ProposedValue.ToString() + ", along with the previous quantity entered of " + previousQuantityReported.ToString() + ", gives a total quantity of " + totalQuantityReported.ToString() + " which is greater than the " + joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty").ToString + " defined as the production quantity for this job assembly operation.  Please try again", "Confirm Labor Quantity")

                            args.Proposedvalue = 0


            if args.ProposedValue <  joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty")

                if previousQuantityReported = 0

                    dRes = MessageBox.Show("The current quantity of " + args.ProposedValue.ToString() + " entered is less than the job assembly operation quantity of "+ joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty").ToString + ".  To continue anyway, click Yes.  Click No to correct your quantity.", "Confirm Labor Quantity", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)


                if (args.ProposedValue + PreviousQuantityReported) < joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty")

                    Dim messageString as string = "The current quantity entered of " + args.ProposedValue.ToString() + ", along with the previous quantity entered of " + previousQuantityReported.ToString() + ", gives a total quantity of " + totalQuantityReported.ToString() + " which is less than the " + joAdapt.JobOperSearchData.Tables("JobOper").Rows(0)("RunQty").ToString + " defined as the quantity for the job assembly operation.  To continue anyway, click Yes.  Click No to correct your quantity, and note that a quantity of "  + remainingQuantity.ToString() + " would complete this job."

                    dRes = MessageBox.Show(messageString, "Confirm Labor Quantity", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo)


                    'Its OK - they are reporting up to the valid job production quanity

                    dRes = DialogResult.Yes

                end if

                end if   

                If (dRes = DialogResult.Yes) Then


                    'args.Cancel = True


                    args.proposedValue = 0

                End If

                End if

              End if

              catch e as exception

              'oTrans.PushStatusText("Problem checking quantities for " + args.Row("JobNum") + ", " + e.message,false)

              end try



              'oTrans.PushStatusText("Did not get Job Number " + args.Row("JobNum"),false)                   

              End if



                                    Case Else


                        End Select


            End Sub


    Private Function GetPreviousQuantityReported(jobNum as string, assemblySeq as integer, oprSeq as integer) as decimal

        Dim previousQty as decimal = 0

        DIm lbrDS as System.Data.DataSet

        Dim whereClause as string = "JobNum = '" + jobNum + "' and AssemblySeq = '" + assemblySeq.ToString() + "' and OprSeq = '" + oprSeq.ToString() + "'"

        Dim recSelected as boolean = false


            'try to get labor transactions for job

            lbrDS = SearchFunctions.listLookup(oTrans,"LaborDtlSearchAdapter",recSelected,false,whereClause)

            if recSelected

                for each lbrRow as DataRow in lbrDS.Tables(0).Rows

                    if lbrRow("LaborQty") > 0  

                        previousQty = previousQty + lbrRow("LaborQty")

                    end if



                'messagebox.show ("No Labor Detail Records Found for whereClause " + whereClause)

            end if               

        catch e as exception

            'messagebox.show ("Problem getting labor transactions for Job " + jobNum.ToString() + ", " + e.message + " using whereClause" + whereClause)

        end try        

        return previousQty

    End Function


End Module