Looking for new members for a Cloud Architecture Advisory Board

Epicor Product Management is looking for Kinetic SaaS customers to join our exclusive Cloud Architecture Advisory Board who are interested in collaborating to test and provide feedback on the new cloud experience and new features.

Some of the benefits customers will see include:

Early access to new features

• More flexibility and decreased downtime for major upgrades and minor updates

Custom URLs

Self-service cloud management features, such as copying databases from Production to Pilot

• Collaboration with the Epicor Cloud team and other customers

The Cloud Architecture Advisory Board will be active in 2023, during which members will be asked to:

Commit to periodic testing (estimate: an average of 1-2 hours per week, depending on your organization), with some additional coordinated testing with Epicor for advanced cloud management features

Attend monthly calls via Microsoft Teams to discuss testing progress, provide feedback, and learn about upcoming changes

Become a potential reference of Epicor

If your organization is interested in learning more about the Cloud Architecture Advisory Board, please have a representative in your IT organization reach out to Michael C. Smith, Principal Product Manager, to discuss plans in more detail by Wednesday, February 15.

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Well, I’m on it :slight_smile:

Can’t really share anything without permission, because I had to sign an NDA,
but hopefully this will be productive, and I hope I can contribute.

Anyone else here on it?

Nope, I was rejected.

Maybe they checked your post history :laughing:

@klincecum Glad you are on it, seem like a smart dude

What, he’s too nice?

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I am

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