Manage 2000 Queries

Did anyone come from Epicor’s Manage 2000 product?
We have an old server running it and finance needs data. We cannot export the list into Excel to be able to manipulate the data.
Anyone know if we can query the back end somehow?

No familiarity at all with Manage 2000, but, if it’s a SQL database and you’re currently on Epicor 10.x you can query it using BAQs by connecting to the old Manage 2000 database using an External Datasource within Epicor 10.x.

That’s the problem I’m running into. I cannot tell how the data is stored.
It’s definitely not SQL, though.

These are the kind of files I’m seeing in the directory.

Is there a ODBC DataSouce on the server? Is there a service running that can help narrow down?

Any database programs installed?

Nope–no ODBC sources are defined.
I don’t see any database programs, either–at least none that I know of.

what are the filetypes?

There’s a screenshot up above that shows the file types.
Things like *.MASTER and *.WORK.

found this from a Google search, not sure what it means…

“The Company’s Avanté and Manage 2000 products leverage open database technology from IBM Corporation.”

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Looks like it uses IBM UniData. Now I just need to figure out how to query it.
Light reading anyone? Rocket Software Documentation

I’m assuming that you don’t have the front end software any more? I don’t know the product at all, but there must be some way from within there to query the data…

We do and we don’t.
We can access it and look at things, but we cannot create new or export since our license is no longer active.
It’s been fine for awhile since customer service just looks at a pricing now and then for some old parts, but we have a situation where we need to compile purchase history for certain parts between a date range.
We got the data, but we can only look at it in M2K. We need to be able to export it into Excel and we can only do it line-by-line; there’s thousands of lines.

Do you need to make joined queries? Or would you be okay with “converting” each M2K file/table to another db format?

Uh-oh… A little Googling shows the PICK O/S was involved. Worked on a PICK system at my first job out of college (circa 1991)

I’m not 100% sure.
I’m going to assume not until I see reason otherwise.

I’ve never heard of PICK; way before my time.
I didn’t get into programming until around 2009; should I run screaming?

Aaron, my consulting company has converted a dozen companies from Manage 2000 to Epicor ERP. I’m more than happy to give you some free tips, tricks and gotchas for exporting data.

Do you have Wintegrate?
That was the terminal emulator that we used to use for Epicor Dataflo - which runs on Unidata (one of the U2 database variants). Our db was UNIX based, looks like you have the Windows version.

Anyway, I used Wintegrate to export my data to different file formats, txt, csv, etc…
I remember there was ODBC available for Unidata too but… not exactly easy to setup.

And have you checked with Epicor?
Not sure about Manage 2000 but they still maintain an active newsgroup for Dataflo

Bruce–I have not checked with Epicor yet.
I was hoping there was an easy answer.

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@mhellwig I appreciate the offer and would like to take you up on it.
Can you email me at and we can discuss more?

Get in touch with Bud Brown at Epicor support. You can reach him at [redacted]. They have an ODBC driver for the Unidata DB and he will help you get it all setup and even get queries going.

He has an FTP site with the drivers at Middleware 5.2/ but I can’t remember the password anymore. He is probably the best resource I have ever talked to about Manage so you might as well get acquainted.
