We have been using a BAQ to help us with cycle counting that shows various fields from the PartWhse table(ABC code, last cycle count, etc). Please note most all of our parts have PartWhse_ManualABC = no, and our inventory team has indicated they’d like to start manually setting the ABC codes rather than let the system set them for us. So I went out to DMT and opened Part Wharehouse thinking it would be a simple DMT(set ManualABC = no and SystemABC to the code our inventory specifies). I then realized Plant was a required field, but there is no Plant field in the PartWhse table. That got me diggin more and in reading the SystemABC field description it indicates this field is calculated by the system, I’m not sure we can/should populate it with manual ABC codes.
Now I’m even more confused as I’m not certain what field we should be writing manual ABC codes to. Can someone point us in the right direction?
Write a BAQ to link PartWhse to PlantWhse to get Plant of that Warehouse.
Calculate ABC Code option is good and use that as starting before setting ABC Codes.
Here is a simple diagram that I put together with plantuml (Interested in plantuml? I will make a special post). this shows a little more detail than you need for the ABC Code… also shows where to get costs, on hand, etc.
I did something similar with the ABC codes.I made a DMT to change all the checkboxes.
This was done in Version 10.1.500. Attached is my BAQ that i used for the DMT. (DMT_CycleCount.baq)
It has all the fields that you are talking about.DMT_CycleCount.baq (20.1 KB)