Remember I said Dashboard Report and Not Dashboard. You can’t calculate the running cum in Time Phase on a Dashboard you will have to insert a Crystal Report in your Dashboard
making it a Dashboard Report.
Well mine is kind of crazy and very custom to how we use Epicor but here goes.
Dashboard Report Using Crystal.
I have created 2, one for Manufactured Parts, one for Purchased Parts.
I have added both to the Epicor Menu and then to the Context menu for part numbers so on any part number you can right click and select it to run.
It is now more of a worksheet in the TimePhase format showing WIP status, Shipping Locations, Open DMRs, Open RMAs, flagged for expediting, etc….
Manufactured Parts Example:
PartDtl is the starting table.
I then Joined the following tables to PartDTL: JobHead, OrderHed, OrderDtl, OrderRel, PartPlant, PartWhse, RMADtl, DMRHead all as outer joins marked as Query First record
Yes my time phase will show if there is at least one open dmr or return.
I only have one PartWhse (I only have one so this join works for me, if you have more than one warehouse you could Left-Outer Alias Join to each one using selection criteria.)
I do a bunch of other look ups for example:
From OrderHed and OrderRel I link to ShipTo and also display the shipping locations on my time phase.
From JobHead I read the first 10 Operations on the job and display the WIP status of the job on the report also.
Many puzzle pieces, menus, context menu’s, BAQ’s, Dashboards, Crystal Report inserted into your Dashboard.
Also if you understand Left-Outer Joins, Finding First Record instead of Each, and joining more than once to the same table using Alias joins you will see how I used those
concepts over and over in this BAQ.
Is there any particular area you are hung up on?
Patrick Winter
Epicor 9.05.702
From: []
Sent: Sunday, July 12, 2015 07:43
Subject: [Vantage] RE: Material requirements without using MRP - Vantage 8.03
Patrick, I have been struggling trying to create a custom timephase in 9.05.702a. Can you please explain how you created your custom timephase? What tables are you using? Would you be able to share/upload your actual dashboard?
I appreciate any help you can send my way on this topic.
In 9.05 I have been able to create my own custom TimePhase using a BAQ to Dashboard Report.
You don’t like Time Phase? Not the actual screen but there is a report. And it has filters.
I’m trying to come up with a way to develop a custom reports for our purchasing folks that would give them a list of material demand based on scheduled jobs AND forecasted orders. We are not licensed for MRP but I was
hoping I could get fancy with some custom reporting and figure it out. Anyone else out there tried to do this before??
Mike Abell
Information Technology Manager
Flexial - BOA Group - Cookeville, Tennessee
Office: 931.432.8408
Mobile: 615.418.3055
email: MAbell@...
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