Method and Data Directives - Design Button - Not Working!

Hi All,

Any ideas on why would stop functioning?

It’s affecting all users that have the ability to design BPMs

Kind regards,


Any additional context for us? Did you recently upgrade? Is this Production or Test environment?

This is production. We are SaaS…

Are you in the right company?

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Tested in several different companies. None of them work… :confused:

But have you verified you are in the owning company listed on your BPM? From your screenshot it looks like the BPM you are trying to modify is in one company while you are in context of a different company. You have to be in the same company that owns the BPM, not just any random company.

100% - Tested. It doesn’t work :slight_smile:

Maybe you can post another screenshot showing what the BPM screen looks like when you are logged in under the owning company?

Here is a short video

Looks like its working now? At least your design button is enabled as expected. Is your problem now that the design window isn’t launching? May need to clear the cache/purge personalizations or something like that.

Take a look at the original video… The design button has always been enabled.

Cleared cache, uninstalled and reinstalled via SaasS Download URL, cleared personalisation.

Tested the following

  • Data Directives
  • Method Directives
  • BAQ BPM Design

The ‘Design’ button does not work at all. This isn’t just affecting me. It’s all users that have security manager and Advanced BPM User enabled. We are SaaS so I cannot see the server without using @klincecum dashboard…

Raised a case with epicor… Let’s see what they figure out.

Interesting. Might need to run the client as an administrator or see what is going on in the event viewer. Hopefully support can figure it out.

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I did see something similar with BPMs on UBAQs not long ago. However the issue resolved itself,
and I thought it was just a glitch.

Maybe related, maybe not. I didn’t have to dig into it.

Epicor have come back with a blank…

Anyone else experience this problem before?

Found this but not show how to delete them…

I’ve submitted a request for the data fix that will address this issue via the EpicCare case you have opened on this concern, and as soon as that is available the analyst will share it.

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Thanks nathan

What was the issue if you dont mind me asking