Multiple Scrap Qty's with different Reason Codes in End Activity

Has anyone done a customization to the End Activity screen to allow the entry of multiple scrap qty’s with different reason codes during a single end productivity entry? I would want up to 8 possible entries of Scrap Qty’s and Reason Codes. If more than 8, the Operator would Start & End Activity again to complete more Scrap Qty’s and Reason Codes.

For example:
Good Labor Qty = 500
Scrap Qty = 2 Reason Code = Stain
Scrap Qty = 17 Reason Code = Scratch
Scrap Qty = 4 Reason Code = Defect
Scrap Qty = 3 Reason Code = Particle
Scrap Qty = 6 Reason Code = Bad Raw Material
Scrap Qty = 7 Reason Code = Bubble
Scrap Qty = 4 Reason Code = Tear
Scrap Qty = 3 Reason Code = Other

Total LaborDtl.ScrapQty = 46 with 8 Scrap Transactions for each Reason Code.

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Sounds awkward. I’d ponder on that a bit.

I was using 8 as a benchmark but it could be less; like 4. As you know with the standard End Activity, you have 1 chance to enter a scrap qty with 1 reason code. If they need to enter more than that, it’s another start and end activity. If they have 4 different reason codes, it’s 4 start and end activities.

You might want to look at the Report Quantity functionality. There are two ways to do Report Quantity. The first is if you have activity stared and hit Report Quantity, it basically takes the amount you put in and adds it to the Labor Detail. If you continue to hit report quantity, it just accumulates it in the LaborQty until you end activity. This way won’t do much for you. This way does not create a new LaborDtl record for every time you hit RptQty - it just accumulates on one.

The other way is you can Report Quantity without starting the activity. It basically creates a LaborDtl record without any labor/burden time. So, if I sat there and hit Report Quantity 8 times, I’m going to get 8 LaborDtl records with just the quantities on them, and I won’t have to start/stop the activity 8 times. The great part about this way - you have the scrap each on it’s own LaborDtl record and you’re staying within the business logic.

The standard Report Quantity screen has just the Quantity on it, there’s no place for scrap or reason codes. But, it’s using the same LaborDtl dataset. So, it might be possible to customize it so it has the scrap quantity on the screen. I don’t know if the Report Quantity business object would allow you to create this with a scrap quantity but no labor quantity, so that might be a challenge.

A quick solution might be to see if you can customize the Report Quantity screen with the scrap. The process would be they end activity as normal with one of the scrap quantities, and worst case they have to then run Report Quantity for all their other scrap reasons.

A more complex solution would be to build the End Activity program so they enter a Scrap Quantity and reason code on the screen, and it calls the Report Quantity business object in your code to add the scrap. I’m not sure though, if you have an active Labor transaction going if it would try to simply add the quantity to that one.

Hopefully this points you in a direction that might give you a solution.


I was meaning the entire idea really.

Starting and ending activity over and over to put in more scrap is going to get old real quick.

I’d consider something more along with @SimsTrak ‘s idea.