Multiple Sites, Multiple Site Cost IDs & Sharing Cost IDs

Hey Steve,

In Site Maintenance, in the Actions menu, there is a process to change the Cost ID. I would try it out in test to make sure it works - especially with FIFO. It does create posting entries. Try it in test first! Don’t FAFO your FIFO.


What Mark said!

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We just moved a separate company to a site in our instance. When I was doing tests, I originally didn’t update the cost ID, and we are 100% FIFO. After the fact, I found the results were all messed up. This means costs from one site got removed as we did transactions at the other site.

Glad we fully tested before we went live…

Definitely do this in a test and see what happens. Look over the adjustments carefully and see what the stock status/trial balances show before and after.


Thanks @Mark_Wonsil yes, I saw that, and I’m trying to make a procedure for all the related activities, like do we need to adjust out to zero first Nd backnin later? Or do a count afterwards? Or, what happens in the (many) places where onhand is more than FIFO onhand in one of the sites? Etc.

I guess it’s basically hypothesis / test.