Need BAQ idea to find data to import into Epicor 10 for Customers who have not purchased in the last 5 years

We are in the process of trying to determine how much and which data we want to bring forward when migrating to Epicor 10 from Epicor 9.05.700C. We are looking at our Customer table and are wanting to know how to find the Customers who have not purchased from us in the last 5 years. We keep trying to put together the right tables but haven’t been able to find the magic solution just yet. Has anyone out there written a BAQ like this and are willing to share it? Please let me know.

Thanks so much!

Jill Schoedel

Make a subquery of OrderHed <-> Customers, with the fields

  • Company (Group By)
  • CustNum (GroupBy)
  • Calculated field of MAX(OrderHed.OrderDate)

Then link that subquery to the Customer table in the top level. It will give you a list of the customers, and their last order date. Order it by that calc field, and you’re good to go.

Wouldn’t she have to use the Summary flag since Subqueries weren’t a thing in pre 10 BAQs?

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Whoops … missed that part about E9.

The scars from reporting in 9 are still fresh for me lol. Don’t miss it one bit

We jumped over E9, going from V8 right to E10. It was a fresh install of E10, no conversion from V8.

That is what we are doing Calvin except we are jumping from E9.05.700C to a fresh install of E10 10.2.400 (or greater). Get rid of a lot of garbage that way:>) Also you can re-evaluate your processes and possibly tweak them for the newer version.
Thank you for the feedback on the BAQ. It was a nice help.


LastTransactionDate-Customer.p (4.8 KB)

This is a Progress program which will help to identify the last transaction date (SO, Invoice, FS Call and Cash Receipt)