Need votes for a program to remove kinetic personalizations

No that doesn’t work - if the personalization is so corrupt that you can’t launch the page, there is no way to access that command, and besides that, it doesn’t delete the xxxdef record. It only deletes the grid personalizations. Caveat: In 2021.2. I don’t know if the reset commands are/will be fixed in a future version.

That is the best news I’ve heard!!!

I totally love the statement that we shouldn’t have to waste votes getting bugs fixed.

No I have not escalated the case because I don’t believe it will accomplish anything, and because I have a workaround (with the temporary profile), so I don’t feel it is urgent. Its just the kind of thing that is frustrating because I could have fixed it in 2 seconds in classic, but in kinetic it takes weeks of follow up and still no resolution.

Btw, there is still nothing in the customer-facing view that says this is closed or what the status is . . .

@aosemwengie1 that is interesting… a bug in Aha! actually we have ideas that are marked as a BUG are supposed to be hidden… in fact, if you look you will find that the Status Filter doesn’t show the Closed - Bug status.
BUT if you search for your idea, you can still find it.
I will report this to the powers in charge.

I mean, hiding isn’t a great solution either - anybody who previously saw or voted for the idea might be looking for it and there is no way to know what happened to it? Why not mark as a bug visibly or comment on it so people know epicor is addressing it and don’t create the same idea again? After all, I created the idea originally (the one I created that got merged with this one) specifically at the instruction of support.

PurgeKinetic_Customer (63.2 KB)

2023.2 Version: Need votes for a program to remove kinetic personalizations - #46 by hmwillett

Dashboard to remove Kinetic personalizations.
Run it for a user (or wide open).

Note Type and Key2.
There are two different personalizations for the same screen, grids and overall layout. This will purge both.
Select the box next to the ones you want to purge and hit save (I was too lazy to auto refresh it to show it did anything, so you’ll have to hit that yourself).

You’re welcome Epicor.


:laughing: :rofl: :laughing: :rofl: :laughing:

I mean, I know I can easily delete it myself - but I shouldn’t have to?


Welcome to Kinetic. It’s an unfinished product pushed to GA by marketing.
Get used to it.

I get that but if we don’t push epicor to finish the product and point out the problems its unlikely to get any better. This type of glaring gap in functionality is the type of thing I think is worth complaining about. If I just quietly fix it myself, Epicor will go on thinking its nbd that you can’t delete kinetic personalizations.

I think the idea is that you fix it yourself, while you continue to report the issue. IF it is a show stopper.

We’ve had same issues on 10.2, plenty of them. I just can’t wait for 6mo for a bug-fix. Once Epicor acknowledges it. I can atleast continue with my bypass until then.

@jgiese.wci and I even have a BPM Group called BugFix with a note that says Fixes X Bug, until Epicor fixes it :smiley:

It is however key that everyone puts in tickets. Im with ya.


I don’t disagree.
I’m providing to you with a solution to your immediate problem.
Now you can move forward without having to wait for Epicor to take its sweet time and believe me they will.


Same. I include PRB and Case numbers in the modblock for good reference. Beer trucks drive fast in my town.

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I’m curious how deleting a layer through an updateable dashboard like that doesn’t violate the support agreement though? I could just write a delete statement to delete it too . . . what’s the difference?

Because I’m using their business objects to do so.
I’m not doing this through SQL which would have been much easier for me.
At least this way the community benefits from the solution in an Epicor-approved way.


BTW thanks @hmwillett for creating a easy to use fix.

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Several years back, I was working with a customer and reported a true bug… got back the answer that it was too difficult to get a hot fix for, so we would have to wait for the next major release.
The support call was in… the Jira story was complete, BUT, my customer still needed to stop the bleeding.
My solution: Create a BPM that auto fixed the problem. BUT there was an intial IF statement on the BPM… it looked at the version of the software that was running and AUTOMATICALLY STOPPED WORKING when the next release was installed. This was a simple fix that took maybe 10 minutes (8 of those were probably trying to figure out how to automatically deactivate based on the version).


Yup! Every major release I load all BugFix directives. I disable them. Test. Delete un-needed.


Interestingly, Key1 is getting the name of the kinetic layer appended so the dashboard filter doesn’t find it. I’m not sure if this is just my version (2021.2) or this is just how personalizations on top of a customization will always be stored.


Well, that’s annoying. One moment.