Negative onhand quantity for the bin

Hello everyone.

Does anyone know where I can get these settings I want?
When we process shipments now, we sometimes receive negative onhand messages like below. When we looked at the cases where this occurred, they were all cases where other orders were already holding the onhand, as shown below.
But this never happened before. Not until this month’s Epicor update.
Previously, inventory was deducted first in the order of shipment processing, regardless of this on-hand holding.
After this Epicor update, we discovered that some master settings had been changed without our knowledge. I presume that this case is probably like that. I would like to revert this setting, but I don’t know where to do it.
Could you tell me where I can set up on-hand deductions based on shipment processing order?
Thanks in advance!

Check the Negative Quantity Action on your Part Classes.


As John Kane mentioned, check the negative quantity flag on the part class.
Then go to site cost maintenance and check “enable fifo layer” - if this is ticked, it will give you this kind of error if you try to ship from a bin which has negative on hand (and effectively blocking you). If you take this out, error will go away.
However the right thing to do is to have a count for those parts and adjust the bin quantities to the real on hand in the warehouse and then set the flag back on.

While the flag is off there is also an option to “refresh partbin QOH from parttran” and this will update the partbin table to the proper values (as sometimes it is not reflecting the reality).

Good luck !

I already knew the setup of the part class. It’s set to Stop, but I’m changing it to Warn every time this happens. Every time something like this happens, I get annoyed at having to change this setting, so I asked this question. Even though there are many onhands, it is stopped.

This setting is unchecked. There are a lot of onhands, so it’s really strange that they stop like this.

Something like this happened again today. As you can see in the screenshot below, out of the 504 orders, I was trying to ship only 36 of them first. We have 362 on hand. But still the same problem occurred.
What’s even stranger is that only this part has this problem. The other parts work fine.

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Did you recently start using the fulfillment workbench?

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Can I pose a question? I’ve been trying to recreate this and was successful… kinda.

I have a part and put a large demand against it with a sales order to drive it negative in Time Phase:


I then attempted to do a customer shipment against that order for a lesser quantity (20), which, like you, I knew I had on-hand and available.

Initially I got the same warning that you did.

It then hit me, that Customer Shipment Entry always defaults the “From” Bin to whatever the default bin location is on the part record. In this case G-504.

I know this isn’t always the case, so I performed the search in that bin textbox (make sure you uncheck the “Display All Bins” checkbox)… and saw the inventory was ACTUALLY in Bin R-202.

After selecting THAT bin as the From Bin… it saved that shipment line without error.

So, my question is… is your on-hand inventory in the bin your shipping from? Cause… it may not be.

The fact that you said this is only happening with a specific part, again, leads me to believe its trying to ship from the default bin, but the inventory could actually be being held elsewhere.


No. We don’t use it.

Wow, how much time do you have? :slight_smile:

-ve inventory is a bad thing. It should be treated very seriously. If you are using average costing then you will end up with 0 value costs and this will effect your GL.

@dcamlin made a good point, review your default shipping bin in your Site Configuration.

Also for those parts you are seeing the issue review their Sites/Warehouses/Primary Bin.

and Resource group Input/Output and backflush bins

If you are doing any manufacture then pay close attention to following rules.

Part Class Maintenance-Detail Fields

Note: There are exceptions that allows an action to continue even if it results in a negative on hand balance. These exceptions:

From the part class help.

  • Job backflusing - a resource or a resource group is set up with a backflushing warehouse, bin, and job materials.
  • Kanban receipts - a Bill of Material’s component will backflush.
  • Job closing - backflushes remaining materials.

In these situations the will drive inventory negative with no warning. And if you are using the same bin to ship from you may have a problem.

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Could you show us some screenshots of an example part/site/resource group setup, is the part manufactured, or used as a material for jobs as well?

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I found that the Primary Bin and the Shipment Entry Bin are different. I’m going to test this. Thank you for taking the time to simulate.

I will first test the simulation that Dcamlin mentioned. Thanks.

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Only the Part that was causing this problem had the Primary bin set in Part maintenance. The other Parts had this field blank. I think this setting is the solution. Thanks for your efforts.


I thought it was a Bin setting issue as dcamlin mentioned. I changed the bin settings but this problem occurred again today. Of course it was that part. I tried to ship 6 but got the same message, tried 5 and even 1 and got the same issue.(Onhand is 6)
I think this problem occurs with parts where the “below zero” flag appears. Is there a setting to prevent shipping when the “below zero” flag is present?

Can you verify that the onhand inventory (qty 6) is in the same bin you’re attempting to ship from?

The error you included in the original post mentions that “this transaction will result in a negative onhand quantity for the bin.”

What bin are we talking about in this case?

the onhand inventory (qty 6) is in the same bin I’m attempting to ship from.(FWS Bin). Other parts are being shipped fine even though they have the same Bin settings as this part.

Available Qty is negative in SO Tracker. I’m guessing that this might be the reason. However, I would like to ship this order first. To do that, do I need to set something up somewhere?

Since you’re showing a positive on-hand but a negative available, I’m assuming this part is reserved/allocated for other order(s) and/or job(s).

Is the warning just a nuisance warning and you can still proceed, or is it preventing you from completing the shipment?

I would check Fulfillment Workbench against this part and see if the parts are “allocated” somewhere else. You may be able to remove that allocation and that will free these parts up for shipment.

It’s preventing the shipment. We just want inventory to be allocated based on the order of Shipment Entry.
and we do not use Fulfillment Workbench.