New Time Phased Inquiry

BIG Thank You to everyone who submitted ideas, voted on ideas, and made comments on the Improved Time Phased idea

Wow… I really LOVE what we have done in Kinetic 2024.1 to Time Phased Inquiry. We moved the needle on this one. I hope to have a video soon to show you all what we did. But, in the mean time, you can go read the idea. I have made updates to show what made the cut (almost everything).

This idea is the compounding of SEVEN merged ideas, and there are 27 comments, 127 votes from 100 organizations. This shows that there are many passionate people regarding this highly used application.

During QA and prep for the “Feature Preview” video, we found a few additional tweaks to make it even better. I have updated the idea above to reflect the changes that made it into the solution.

If this doesnt get you excited about upgrading to Kinetic 2024.1, (in addition to the MRP Speed Enhancement) then you just are not an MRP geek like me.
New Screen:

“Recent Inquiries” list, as well as Editable planning parameters slide out card that shows even more data than before:


meaning you can change the db part values or are you saying you can change what is displayed on the card?

you can press the planning parameters button, and the slide out card is displayed. If you have edit rights for the part program, then you will also have edit rights to change the values in the planning parameters. This makes editing much quicker, because you dont have to right-click/open with Part to edit the values. Once you have edited the values, you can then choose the menu option in Time Phased to run MRP again for that part, or run PO Suggestions for that part to replan based on your new planning parameters.


Looks pretty cool, similar to what I have done ( with the exception of Editing Planning Values) . As the Planner, little concerned about that being editable, 1/2 the company has access to Part Maint and most of them shouldn’t be messing with Planning Parameters. Guess ill have to work on locking that down, making read only for most people, unless that is an easy fix to just make it Read Only…

Is there an ETA of this Update ???

this is being released in Kinetic 2024.1
Re “read only” on the planning parameters, it is controlled with security… if they have part access, then they can do this, if not, then it is already restricted from editing.

Thank you Mr. Shoemaker,

I have not delved into field level security settings, would the New Time Phased Inquiry honor Field level settings( if it is still available…)


yes, it would… but again, you should not need that, unless you have a need to have some of the fields secured with others not. i always encourage Process security or app security.

Tip for field level securities is to make a security group for it instead of assigning individual users to fields. As time goes on it’s easier to maintain then remembering all the fields you need to add/remove someone too as people come and go or move departments.

Not to hijack Tim’s thread.


Thanks Randy,

That’s what I was thinking… Always bad to hard-code names to ‘stuff’ …

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Mr Shoemaker,

One more question…

Say I already have a Customization on Kinetic Time Phase. Once 2024.1 comes out wit this, will I have to rebuild my customization on top of the new Base Layer?

If so, would it behoove me to build layers specifically to a certain task ?
For Example:
Uncheck Suggestions
Display UD Fields ( one at a time or all ?)
Remove unused fields ( Planning Set, Attribute Set, Contract etc)


You wouldn’t believe how many companies I’ve ran into this issue.

Well, it all depends on how you did your customization. if all you did was add/remove fields. BUT that said, because we did so many significant changes, it might be easiest for you to start again with the base version, and apply your changes manually rather than trying to upgrade your current changes. You might need to do a little experimenting.