Newtonsoft Assembly

I’m just beginning to mess around with APIs. Is it possible to add Newtonsoft to my forms while on 10.0.700.4? If it is, how do I do that?


It should be in the Client Dir Just Reference it, if not you will have to Add it to an and via Auto-Update distribute it to clients.


It’s already in the client folder so just add it as a using

I’m not seeing it in any client folders here or on the server. Are you sure it was already packaged with 10.0.700.4?

It may not exist on 10.0 - In that case you can add it to a

To like the CSG Folder or even better have one called CustomUpdates or so.


Then modify the .sysconfig


Add to Customizations Section

<customization name="MyCustomUpdates" directoryName="CSG" version="20171205" deploymentType="Zip" />

Restart your Client and it will add those dll’s to your Client and everyone elses once they start the Client next time.

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I should have realized. The DLL I put there was blocked by windows… Thanks guys!

Only recently realized that Epicor supplies this… it works really well from BPMs and product Configurator. Both creating complex JSon as well as reading the same comples JSon data. I have used it to interface send/receive data packets with two other outside systems, including ECC.
Just last week, i converted from another ugly parsing system into Newton… the volume of code was reduced by about 50% and after doing time studies, it was quicker as well.