No finalopduedate in jobhead database table in BAQ

I need to pull out the finalopduedate from the JobHead table in a BAQ.

It is not available in the JobHead table, even though the field help shows that’s where the epibinding should be located.

How can I put that field into a BAQ? DueDate does NOT work because the field doesn’t change when a job is rescheduled after a transaction is made.

You can get it by joining JobHead to JobAsmbl and then to JobOper. Join JobAsmbl to JobOper on Company, JobNum, AssemblySeq, and FinalOpr = OprSeq.

Then select the DueDate field in JobOper


One other thing I didn’t originally think to mention. If your job had multiple assemblies, you’d get a row for each of them. If you just want the job as a whole, you should add filter criteria to JobAsmbl to say AssemblySeq = 0.

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