I'm working on one in Crystal with a different approach (although your filters below give me some more ideas). I'm simply looking at parts in the PartTran table that haven't moved OUT of stock in a long time (like a year). These would be mfg-cus, stk-cus, stk-mtl, stk-asm in the TranType field. I group by PartNumber, the do a TopN/Sort by SysDate to show the latest transaction for each part. By then looking at the OnhandQty for each part, we can see how much has been sitting there for how long of a time. I don't think it is as thorough as what you are proposing, but our Accounting guy likes it (and came up with the idea). I'm just not done with it yet or I'd send it to you to look at. But perhaps you could do something similar in Report Builder.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
I'm working on one in Crystal with a different approach (although your filters below give me some more ideas). I'm simply looking at parts in the PartTran table that haven't moved OUT of stock in a long time (like a year). These would be mfg-cus, stk-cus, stk-mtl, stk-asm in the TranType field. I group by PartNumber, the do a TopN/Sort by SysDate to show the latest transaction for each part. By then looking at the OnhandQty for each part, we can see how much has been sitting there for how long of a time. I don't think it is as thorough as what you are proposing, but our Accounting guy likes it (and came up with the idea). I'm just not done with it yet or I'd send it to you to look at. But perhaps you could do something similar in Report Builder.
Troy Funte
Liberty Electronics
----- Original Message -----
From: Ben Roush
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2000 9:35 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Old Parts
We've tried unsuccessfully to produce a Report Builder report for
"slow-moving" or "dead inventory".
We want the report to show parts that have these filters (date filter
optional for previous history):
On-hand qty greater than zero, and
No current or previous Sales Orders, and
No current or previous Jobs, and
Not used as an assembly in a current or previous job, and
Not used as material in a current or previous job.
We think the data has to come from these tables:
Part, PartBin, PartDtl, OrderDtl, JobAsmbl, JobMtl.
So, if anyone can figure out how to join all of these, please let us know!
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