Operator can not clock out. Epicor throwing record-locked error

We have a user who cannot clock out of any job she is currently in. When she tries to clock out, the MES program spins for about 3 minutes and then throws a (7243) (7241) error message. I tried running Conversion Program 8920 on the server to manually clock her out of the jobs but Epicor throws a “record lock” message when I try to change the “yes” to “no”. Does anyone know of a way out of this or what might have caused it in the first place?? I’ve waited 4 hours now but the record(s) still appear to be locked and she cannot clock out at all. No other operators are having this issue. Any ideas???

Try conversion program 8930 on the Labor Header.

When I tried that, I get a popup message that says LaborDtl in use by ,49 on batch. Wait or choose CANCEL to stop. (2624)

Any idea what “in use by ,49 on batch” means???

Is she logged in to more than one MES station? Is anyone trying to edit her record in Time & Expense?


I think originally early this morning she tried to goto another computer to see if it work there but it did the same thing (MES just hung and started with the spinning circle). I have shutdown and restarted all the MES computers and also made sure that our user that does labor edits isn’t trying to edit her record in Time & Expense.

For the record, we tried to go in and manually change the entries in Time and Expense entry but it just hangs up just like in MES when we tried to do it.

It is some kind of record – lock problem going on but I don’t know what to stop or shutdown to fix it…

I have never seen that popup message. I’m not sure if clicking CANCEL will release it.

Did you reboot the PC that was running the Time and Expense entry, not just exit out of Epicor? Sometimes that will stop a record lock. Just thoughts…

I did notice in the App Server connections on our Epicor server, I have a “rogue” connection that has a status of “SENDING” where all of the other connections just say “CONNECTED”. It is coming from the very computer that originally had the issue this morning. I completely shutdown this PC but this App Server “sending” connection stays. Could this be part of the problem? Is there any way to “close” this one “sending” connection without having to reboot the server?


There is a way and I’m trying to remember how (other than rebooting the server) to kill those connections. It’s been a few years since I have had to do it and my memory is not going back that far at the moment.

Can you cancel the PID connection that is hung? When you restarted the AppServer, did the date change on the “sending” connection to the date you restarted the appserver?

Yes, you can click on the link and kill that appserver. I have mine fathom open all of the time to monitor sending appservers that were abandoned. You do have to be careful the capture wip process is not running as it can be sending for as much as an hour.



Thanks Greg, once I kill it, do I need to do anything else in order for it to be used again?

Best regards

Mike Abell
IT Manager

Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA

Phone: +1 931 432 8408
Fax: +1 931 432 1889
Mail: mabell@flexial.com
Website: http://www.flexial.comhttp://www.flexial.com/

You will never believe this, but after 8 hours of being hung in “sending” mode, right before I was about to go in and kill it, the Appserver that was hung let go and went back to showing Available. Once it did this, I was able to go in and run conversions 8920 and 8930 and clock her out as I would normally do if something like this occurred. The only thing bugging me now is WHY a clock out transaction hung up the App server for seven hours. Anyone have ANY kind of notion why or how this could occur. This has never happened before so I’m a little worried. Thanks again for everyone’s help!!

No, Another should spin up to takes its place if you are under your min number of appservers.
It will show as starting usually when you return to that page. If you refresh you will see the cpu use column for the new appserver to be high for the first few minutes.

If you have your appserver in verbose mode you can see the last operation that occurred on the process you killed. I had to do this to find a rogue dashboard that would go into sending for 30 minutes.

In 9.05.xxx there is a utility that can be ran to clock out users. I think it is 8920 and 8930.

I think I have seen this before. I believe I created a little tech note how it was fixed. let me dig for it and see if I can find it. Thanks

This happens to us every so often. Epicor Support had us make a updatable
BAQ to clear stuck MES users. We’re on E10.0 though.

Brenda, thanks, yes I know about 8920 and 8930. Neither worked for me as both of them popped up a message that the record is locked and it cannot access it. After about 8 hours, it FINALLY let go of it on its own and I was able to get her clocked out. I have no clue how or why this happened or if it will happen again though…

Best regards

Mike Abell
IT Manager

Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA

Phone: +1 931 432 8408
Fax: +1 931 432 1889
Mail: mabell@flexial.com
Website: http://www.flexial.comhttp://www.flexial.com/

Kim, that would be great. Epicor hasn’t came up with anything yet….

Best regards

Mike Abell
IT Manager

Flexial Corporation
a company of BOA Group
1483 Gould Drive, Cookeville, TN 38506, USA

Phone: +1 931 432 8408
Fax: +1 931 432 1889
Mail: mabell@flexial.com
Website: http://www.flexial.comhttp://www.flexial.com/

What fields are you updating in your updatable BAQ? Looking to create an updatable BAQ where the users can update it without having an admin run 8920 or 8930.