Part cost data not found

I have a part that exists in two sites but only has a cost in one of them.

:arrow_forward: Yes, each site has its OWN CostID, properly associated. I’m not new to that. We are talking about one oddball here.

Any thoughts on how to get a cost record associated with the other part-site record?


I confirmed this today.

  1. Part existed in PDC site (and not MFG site)
  2. Someone did an RMA in MFG site for the part
  3. RMA itself does not create the PartPlant record
  4. But the RMA receipt does
  5. Yet no PartCost record gets created
  6. Go to disposition the RMA, and you get this error when selecting “Use Current Costs” [Part cost data not found]:

you should submit this to support with your “script” on how to reproduce this. What you are describing is not intended, and is unexpected for the software. If you can create a PartPlant record without a related PartCost record, we have an error.


I did, later in the day. They supplied a data fix that I will test today.

I just never know whether something is worth fighting support for. Most of the time support can’t figure out what happened, but I can (because I have to).

But this time, I agree, this smacks of a flat-out bug.

I say “most of the time.” In truth, I just don’t even ask anymore about “object not set to an instance of an object” or any of those vague ones. I just sleuth out the solution.

The run Sequence 600 (CVIM0206 - Create a Partcost for PartPlant) in Conversion Workbench will create missing PartCost records.


Oh, that’s excellent. I just did this (in Test).

It’s actually better than the data fix, in my opinion.

So the data fix tries to create a PartCost record for EVERY Part Master part. Well, that’s silly - there are a lot of parts in site A that I never want in site B, and vice versa.

To be fair, the data fix can be limited to a single part and/or you can choose which ones to update.

But the conversion 600 program just does the right thing all by itself. It looks at PartPlant.

Good to know for the future.