Part Creation Configurator can decided when executed


I configured part creation section in my configurator for sales order. I don’t want to create part creation always save configurator. I want to execute part creation when EpiPcText would be equal “finish” and other case I don’t want to create part. Is there any configuration that allow me execute part creation under conditions o validations that I establish? Is that possible?
Thank you so much.

I doubt it could be done solely within the configurator. As creating a part seems to be a “do or don’t do” setting based on the Configurator Entry screen (“Set Part Number Only” option).

What you could do is to have your configurator setup to always make the part entry, and make the configured part have some value, that a BPM could detect and prevent the part record from being created.

Like have the description end with “--”. Then a BPM to prevent creating parts where Part.Description LIKE '%--'

Hola @ckrusen , thank you for you answer.
I understand that Epicor does not allow you to create new BPMs, is that correct?
When you say “that a BPM could detect and prevent the part record from being created”, do you mean that I have to find the BPM saves configurations and there I can create a preprocessing method directive maintenance?
Thank you.

Turn on the trace log, carry out the process,
then review the log to find the point it saves.
Create a pre-processing method directive to prevent the save if XYZ is present in a field of your choice.