When a part is on hold, if someone is trying to ship, it give a warning. However, it still allow someone to ship. I would like to prevent them from even bringing in this part to ship after the warning. Someone have an example or let me know how best to handle this? I’m sure it’s through some form of BPM.
Still fairly new to Epicor, I had done the BPM with Hold Type within one of the embedded education. Created hold type in “Hold Type Maintenance”. Went through the method and adding pre-processing/post processing. When I test the part on hold, i get the warning (standard on hold warning and not my method directive). However, when I hit “Save” for update, it is still letting me ship.
Would like to stop after the warning and disallow even bringing in this part. If that’s not possible then disallow when they tried hitting “Save”. Anyone point me in the right direction?
Sounds like a BPM Data Directive. I used the BPM Date Directive to not allow invoice entry with a date over 90 days in the past. I will try to add screenshot for you from what I did to try and apply to your situation.
create a condition that triggers if the Shiphead.ReadyToInvoice or ShipHead.closed turns from False to true.
create a second CONDITION that has a QUERY… the query would search for all SHIPDTL records from that SHIPHead… connect the shipdtl to Part… filter Part and only allow parts on hold to be selected.
-. in the condition, specify that if your query returns more than ZERO records…
then on the true side of the condition, put an exception message.
Basically, this says: If the user tried to mark it as shipped, or tried to close the packslip, THEN look for all lines that are connected to parts on hold… IF they are found, then throw an error.