PartLot.OnHand but no PartBin.OnhandQty

For reference, I had to run the following conversions.
  • (9201) Correct PartLot On Hand Flag
  • (9183) Deletes bad PartLot records created by Auto-Receive issue
  • (9195) Deletes all extra PartLot records
Which appears to solve my problem. It does bring up the periodic rant that it should be waaaay easier to find this information out than just having to stumble across it. I should be able to type in some logical keywords (PartLot, OnHand) and something should return some suggested answers of things to try. Epicor support was no help on this either.

I looked back through the other conversations, but I'm also curious what other conversions people are running regularly. I see: 6430, 9527, and 5100. Any others (and why should we run them)?

(Epicor 9.05.702A)

We've stumbled across a number of records in our PartLot table that have the OnHand field set to 'true', however when comparing that against the PartBin table, we see nothing on hand.

This manifests itself in Lot Tracker, so when we pull up an affected part it shows extraneous lots.

I thought it might've been an issue with a previous version because a few of the parts were from back in 2011, but when running an outer join between PartLot and PartBin, we see PartLot records from as recently as a few months ago in this list.

Any idea as to what might be happening here?


I’m in 701 version and I have to run a fix for wrong partbin qty.... So
maybe it’s the same for you. But sometimes, I had user doing part
transaction in the future or in the past. You could look at this in the
parttran table to see if there is something in there, because it really can
messed up all your informations in your table.... Moreover, sometimes,
there has been sql cancellation on parts, or sql corrections, and it does
corruption like this. You might want to look at the partdtl table to see
if there is still records on those parts.

*Amélie Pelletier*

*Analyste Programmeur / Program analyst*

[image: cid:image001.jpg@01CD5525.2091A820]

*230, Boulevard Nilus-Leclerc*

*L'Islet, Québec (Canada)*

*G0R 2C0*

*Téléphone: 418-247-3986 ext. 2390*

*Fax: 418-247-7925*

*amelie.pelletier@... <brigitte.savoie@...>*

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*De :* []
*Envoyé :* 8 juillet 2014 15:10
*À :*
*Objet :* [Vantage] PartLot.OnHand but no PartBin.OnhandQty

(Epicor 9.05.702A)

We've stumbled across a number of records in our PartLot table that have
the OnHand field set to 'true', however when comparing that against the
PartBin table, we see nothing on hand.

This manifests itself in Lot Tracker, so when we pull up an affected part
it shows extraneous lots.

I thought it might've been an issue with a previous version because a few
of the parts were from back in 2011, but when running an outer join between
PartLot and PartBin, we see PartLot records from as recently as a few
months ago in this list.

Any idea as to what might be happening here?

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

I believe there's a Conversion Program to run on this from Admin Tools.


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 3:10 PM
Subject: [Vantage] PartLot.OnHand but no PartBin.OnhandQty



(Epicor 9.05.702A)


We've stumbled across a number of records in our PartLot table that have the OnHand field set to 'true', however when comparing that against the PartBin table, we see nothing on hand.


This manifests itself in Lot Tracker, so when we pull up an affected part it shows extraneous lots.


I thought it might've been an issue with a previous version because a few of the parts were from back in 2011, but when running an outer join between PartLot and PartBin, we see PartLot records from as recently as a few months ago in this list.


Any idea as to what might be happening here?

Conversion 6430 is the number in 8.03.409C – run whenever not matching between qty on hand in warehouses and qty on hand in bins…


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 2:22 PM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] PartLot.OnHand but no PartBin.OnhandQty



I believe there's a Conversion Program to run on this from Admin Tools.


From: []
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2014 3:10 PM
Subject: [Vantage] PartLot.OnHand but no PartBin.OnhandQty



(Epicor 9.05.702A)


We've stumbled across a number of records in our PartLot table that have the OnHand field set to 'true ', however when comparing that against the PartBin table, we see nothing on hand.


This manifests itself in Lot Tracker, so when we pull up an affected part it shows extraneous lots.


I thought it might've been an issue with a previous version because a few of the parts were from back in 2011, but when running an outer join between PartLot and PartBin, we see PartLot records from as recently as a few months ago in this list.


Any idea as to what might be happening here?