PartPlant.UrgentMinOrdQty field help

Does anyone know where this urgent min order qty is coming from? I could not find the DB field where this is getting populated or how it is being calculated.

I think it is calculated by the MRP. Review the MRP tech guide.


Where can I get the MRP Guide to review this?

This is a manually entered value… If you create a BAQ, you should be able to see the field in PartPlant (I just checked in 10.1.500.25).

Must be in only E10 since I don’t see it in the BAQ as UrgentMinOrdQty in E9. What does the field help indicate it is used for? Thought it was a calculated field but might be manually entered since our users don’t know who or how this field is being populated.

if the part is within the “Urgent Planning” lead time, then it uses the urgent planning quantities instead of the regular planning quantities…
Consider these settings:

  • Lead time 30 days
  • Min order qty: 1000
  • Urgent Planning lead time 10 days
  • Urgent planning Min Order qty 100
    In our example, we need 50 pieces in 15 days… 15 days is less than the normal lead time of 30 days, so, it will use the urgent planning window,and order the min of 100.

So what is considered “urgent planning” to use the urgent planning instead of regular planning? Does MRP determine this “we need 50 pieces in 15 days…” scenario? We are not using the Urgent Planning functionality so we’re not sure who or how it is being populated.

The MRP Technical Reference Guide is available on EpicWeb… go to the Documentation page, find your version (in your case 9.05.700) and open the Technical Reference area.

Found the MRP Technical Guide on EpicWeb and will review with the team. It looks like it is a manual entry field so someone must be populating the field manually so we’ll need to determine why. If it is a manual entry field, why is there not a DB field for it?

If it is not found in PartPlant, then it may be a “PatchFld” in your version.
(Lesson Time:)
When Epicor adds a new feature, sometimes the developer needs to add a new column to a database, but this cannot be done without changing the schema.
BUT, they can add a temporary PatchFld to the PatchFld table. This then allows them to implement a new feature, and then the next release where the schema is updated, the move the data from the PatchFld table to the regular table.
Sooo… Create a Query in the PatchFld table, filter on TableName = PartPlant, and display the Field, Foreign Key, data type, and then the other data fields… I am GUESSING you will find your field here.
If I am right, then you can also create a BAQ that links the PartPlant to the PatchFld table to retrive the results.


I don’t have access to 9.05.702A, but in 10.1 and 10.2 it’s PartPlant.UrgentMinOrdQty. There is certainly a DB field for it somewhere, if you highlight the field on the Plants tab, go to Help, then Field Help, and click on Technical Details it will tell you the DB field name.

The Field Help screenshot below doesn’t help since there isn’t a DB field.


I did find the field in the PatchFld table but not sure how to link it up in the BAQ table relations

The value in EpiBinding is the field in the database… PartPlant.UrgentMinOrdQty.

This is what I have so far.

Dear Chia,

You’ll want to add a table criterion on PatchFld that requires TableName to be equal to the specified constant, PartPlant. In 702a I’ve verified that PartPlant does not contain the field, so I believe you’ll find it in PatchFld, and put it on your list of things to check after you upgrade.


How do you add a table criterion in the BAQ?

On the Phrase Build tab, click on your table (may need to do this more than once; it should have little “handle” blocks in the corners. Then look down in the lower area for another set of tabs and click Criteria. Then just to the left click the New icon (not the one at the top of the screen) and choose your fields.

Before I get to the Criteria tab, how do I set up the Parent-Child Table Relations? Which Parent-Child table should I be selecting for the PartPlant table and for the PatchFld table?

What you show in your partial screen shot is a good start. However, there is a field in PatchFld called ForeignKey, in which you need to match-up with whatever the key is, in PartPlant. However, if there are two or more key values, then it is a tilde-separated list and I’ll drag my feet here in case someone else has experience linking PatchFld to PartPlant.