Pick List Report repeating lots

I have an issue that apparently a few others have run into before,
and was wondering if anyone has come up with a clever solution for.
According to Epicor Tech Support this is a known issue since at least
Rio (whichever version that was) and they have it planned for a
version 6.0 patch.
We are on Version 5.10.132. Our inventory is lot tracked. The
standard Progress Job Pick List prints fine, but the "canned" Crystal
Job Pick List report prints out duplicate lot numbers.
When looking at the report in Crystal, the material lot that is
printed out in the "Group Header 3f" section appears to be the first
available lot and it prints out only once. The lots that print out in
the "Details b" section are all remaining on-hand lots, and these do
repeat (the number of repetitions are dependent upon how many times
that specific material item is called for in the Pick List).
Example: I have material part number ABCD with three on-hand lots
(ABCD-1, ABCD-2 & ABCD-3). My job has four components, each calling
for material ABCD. My Pick List will print out as follows;
Component #1
Material ABCD
Lot Number
ABCD-1 {this is from the jobmtl.LOTNUMBER field}
ABCD-2 {these are from the jobbin.LOTNUMBER field}
If anyone has any thoughts on how to modify the Crystal reports to
print out all on-hand material lots at he component level without
showing the duplications, I would like to hear them.

John Elder
Penn State Tool & Die