PO Receipt Status grid view changed to a BAQ

I’m trying to transition the PO Receipt Status grid view to a new BAQ view and have followed the guide put forward by @josecgomez post in Efficiently Adding Column to DataGrid - #5 by josecgomez

I’m not sure where I’m going wrong though, I went to make a copy of the system BAQ (zReceiptStatus). Didn’t make any chances (Other than to mark it as shared) and added it as the BAQView. I ran the BAQ wide open in SSMS and it returned ~150k records (I’m thinking the number of records may be the issue?). When the BAQView is attached to the grid view and ran, it returns nothing. When I attached the subscription to the part number and added a filter (Part Number) and refresh it seems to returns results.

I’m still pretty new to customizations involving changes to the script editor so maybe I am missing something very basic? I’ve also searched for items on the forums but didn’t see anything. I will admit though that my sleuthing abilities on the forums are often hit of miss.

Some ideas:

  • See what it does in BAQ designer with 200k row limit. Maybe it still times out.
  • You might limit the BAQ to 100 records (top 100 on the toplevel query). Rule this out /identify this as the problem.
  • There are advanced BAQ options for things like timeout… I’m not the guy to ask on this though.

-the BAQ designer limits me to 10k rows, it runs but says "Test results are forcibly limited to 10000 rows to prevent the application server memory overload. This limitation will not apply to the query execution outside of BAQ Designer. Please review the query design you test to make sure that this result is correct. "

How do you limit a BAQ to the top X records?!? I had no idea you could do that in a BAQ.



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