Posts formatted as Code

Maybe I’m too young here to complain like this, but man, I don’t have the patience to read non-code posts that are formatted as code!

There are at least a few posts a week that are prose, but formatted as code - it might look like three lines, but it’s actually three paragraphs that run off the text area to the right. Reading while scrolling side-to-side makes me feel like I’m going cross-eyed.

I’m not going to pretend like I might have contributed very much that someone else couldn’t have added to any of these posts … but I don’t even try reading them anymore.

As an example, this post repeated with code formatting:

Maybe I'm too young here to complain like this, but *man*, I don't have the patience to read non-code posts that are formatted as code!

There are at least a few posts a week that are prose, but formatted as code - it might look like three lines, but it's actually three paragraphs that run off the text area to the right. Reading while scrolling side-to-side makes me feel like I'm going cross-eyed.

I'm not going to pretend like I might have contributed very much that someone else couldn't have added to any of these posts ... but I don't even try reading them anymore.

Please, just don’t go through the extra effort to make your posts unreadable.
That is all :grin:


hey arnold nicksplat GIF


Use the ‘greater than’ symbol to hold big blocks of text:

Maybe I’m too young here to complain like this, but man, I don’t have the patience to read non-code posts that are formatted as code!
There are at least a few posts a week that are prose, but formatted as code - it might look like three lines, but it’s actually three paragraphs that run off the text area to the right. Reading while scrolling side-to-side makes me feel like I’m going cross-eyed.
I’m not going to pretend like I might have contributed very much that someone else couldn’t have added to any of these posts … but I don’t even try reading them anymore.

Highlight a text block and use settings Hide Details, or Blur Spoiler to format your text block.

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Maybe I’m too young here to complain like this, but man, I don’t have the patience to read non-code posts that are formatted as code!

There are at least a few posts a week that are prose, but formatted as code - it might look like three lines, but it’s actually three paragraphs that run off the text area to the right. Reading while scrolling side-to-side makes me feel like I’m going cross-eyed.

I’m not going to pretend like I might have contributed very much that someone else couldn’t have added to any of these posts … but I don’t even try reading them anymore.

Click on the blurred text below to show it.

Maybe I’m too young here to complain like this, but man, I don’t have the patience to read non-code posts that are formatted as code!

There are at least a few posts a week that are prose, but formatted as code - it might look like three lines, but it’s actually three paragraphs that run off the text area to the right. Reading while scrolling side-to-side makes me feel like I’m going cross-eyed.

I’m not going to pretend like I might have contributed very much that someone else couldn’t have added to any of these posts … but I don’t even try reading them anymore.

To @jwphillips point, if your text is just part of your question, dont put it in a code block. If you are compelled to put your text in some kind of block, use one of the many other options available!


How’s your back? Does it hurt yet?

Limping Waking Up GIF by Laff


Let me guess, the post looks something like this…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et arcu vitae augue accumsan consectetur. Ut semper elementum ultrices. Vivamus nisl urna, fringilla sed nisl ac, ullamcorper lacinia quam. Sed eget magna aliquam, rhoncus ante eu, laoreet turpis. Ut et metus non eros malesuada venenatis. Sed nisi eros, efficitur ac purus ac, semper pellentesque lorem. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque auctor tellus vel massa mattis, a mollis nulla pellentesque.

Donec dolor augue, finibus vel nisi eget, faucibus aliquet lectus. Curabitur at aliquam mauris, sit amet viverra nunc. Sed vulputate facilisis diam, vitae aliquam est ultricies ac. Vestibulum sit amet nunc justo. Curabitur non pretium arcu, sed porttitor quam. Pellentesque enim lectus, eleifend at tellus eget, pulvinar tempor elit. Donec nec risus ac dolor ultrices convallis sit amet vitae leo. Curabitur semper eleifend massa, aliquet egestas mauris faucibus a. Donec eget lorem pellentesque quam sodales mollis quis ut metus. Fusce nec eros magna. In lacus lacus, porta in cursus ac, ullamcorper ut sem.

Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum euismod egestas turpis, eget feugiat leo tincidunt sit amet. Donec mollis libero sed leo porttitor eleifend sed in ligula. Proin condimentum, ex in semper lacinia, sapien ex consectetur quam, fringilla vehicula quam felis id lorem. Morbi sit amet tortor neque. Quisque vulputate hendrerit orci, luctus feugiat orci auctor sit amet. Pellentesque fermentum eros elit, id condimentum augue varius eu.

This comes from people indenting their paragraphs.
The formatting occurs with 4 spaces.

An unintended consequence,

@josecgomez , is it possible we could tweak that formatting rule?


No way around that at the moment

Though maybe we can change the box to not scroll so far… I’ll see what I can do.


I’m not sure I like that either, I don’t want real code to word-wrap.

It’s really just one guy I don’t wanna call out lol. Maybe we can just tell him :wink:


How about now (Refresh) it doesn’t seem to mangle the real code too badly

// Fetches the first updated or newly added record from the 'ttRcvHead' collection
var recHead = ttRcvHead.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Added() || r.Updated());

// Extract relevant fields from the fetched receipt header
var company = recHead.Company;
var vendorNum = recHead.VendorNum;
var packSlip = recHead.PackSlip;
var purPoint = recHead.PurPoint;

// Query to fetch detailed receipt information by joining multiple related tables
var receiptInfo = (from rd in Db.RcvDtl
                   // Join the RcvHead, Vendor, POHeader, PODetail, etc. based on matching fields
                   join rh in Db.RcvHead on new { rd.Company, rd.VendorNum, rd.PackSlip, rd.PurPoint } equals new { rh.Company, rh.VendorNum, rh.PackSlip, rh.PurPoint }
                   join vendor in Db.Vendor on new { rd.Company, rd.VendorNum } equals new { vendor.Company, vendor.VendorNum }
                   join poDtl in Db.PODetail on new { rd.Company, rd.PONum, rd.POLine } equals new { poDtl.Company, PONum = poDtl.PONUM, poDtl.POLine }
                   join ph in Db.POHeader on new { rd.Company, rd.PONum } equals new { ph.Company, ph.PONum }
                   join buyer in Db.PurAgent on new { ph.Company, ph.BuyerID } equals new { buyer.Company, buyer.BuyerID }
                   join whses in Db.Warehse on new { rd.Company, WareHouseCode = rd.WareHouseCode } equals new { whses.Company, WareHouseCode = whses.WarehouseCode }
                   join whseBin in Db.WhseBin on new { rd.Company, WarehouseCode = rd.WareHouseCode, rd.BinNum } equals new { whseBin.Company, whseBin.WarehouseCode, whseBin.BinNum }
                   join partplant in Db.PartPlant on new { rd.Company, rd.PartNum, rh.Plant } equals new { partplant.Company, partplant.PartNum, partplant.Plant }
                   join plant in Db.Plant on new { partplant.Company, partplant.Plant } equals new { plant.Company, Plant = plant.Plant1 }
                   join userFile in Db.UserFile on partplant.PartManager_c equals userFile.DcdUserID into partManagerJoin
                   join poRelRel in Db.PORel on new { rd.Company, rd.PONum, rd.POLine, rd.PORelNum } equals new { poRelRel.Company, PONum = poRelRel.PONum, poRelRel.POLine, poRelRel.PORelNum }
                   from partManager in partManagerJoin.DefaultIfEmpty()
                   // Filter to include only relevant records for the given company, vendor number, pack slip, and purchase point
                   where rd.Company == company && rd.VendorNum == vendorNum && rd.PackSlip == packSlip && rd.PurPoint == purPoint && buyer.EMailAddress != ""
                   group new
                       Buyer = new { buyer.Name, buyer.EMailAddress },
                       PartManagerEmail = partManager != null ? partManager.EMailAddress : "",
                       Plant = plant.Plant1,
                       PlantName = plant.Name,
                       Vendor = vendor,
                       ReceiptDetails = new { ReceiptLines = rd, POLine = poDtl, POHeader = ph, Warehouse = whses, WhseBin = whseBin, PORel = poRelRel, TotReceived = poRelRel.ReceivedQty }
                   by new { Buyer = new { buyer.Name, buyer.EMailAddress }, PartManagerEmail = partManager != null ? partManager.EMailAddress : "", Plant = plant.Plant1, PlantName = plant.Name, Vendor = vendor }
                   into g
                   // Sort the result by PO number, PO line, and PO release number
                   orderby g.FirstOrDefault().ReceiptDetails.POLine.PONUM, g.FirstOrDefault().ReceiptDetails.POLine.POLine, g.FirstOrDefault().ReceiptDetails.PORel.PORelNum
                   select new
                       Buyer = g.Key.Buyer,
                       PartManagerEmail = g.Key.PartManagerEmail,
                       Plant = g.Key.Plant,
                       PlantName = g.Key.PlantName,
                       Vendor = g.Key.Vendor,
                       ReceiptDetails = g.Select(x => x.ReceiptDetails)

// Get the email address for sending the email (default to a "NoReply" if no match is found)
string emailFrom = (from sysCo in Db.MailSetting where sysCo.Company == this.Session.CompanyID select sysCo.EmailFromAddr).DefaultIfEmpty("").FirstOrDefault();

// Get the company details based on the receipt header's company field
var co = (from c in Db.Company where c.Company1 == recHead.Company select c).FirstOrDefault();

// Loop through each group in the receipt information (organized by buyer and vendor)
foreach (var group in receiptInfo)
    string emailTo = "";
    string emailCc = "";
    var buyer = group.Buyer;
    var partManagerEmail = group.PartManagerEmail;
    var poNumbers = group.ReceiptDetails.Select(x => x.POHeader.PONum).Distinct().ToList();

    // Create email subject with all relevant PO numbers and plant name
    string subject = $"PO Receipt Pack Slip:{recHead.PackSlip} PO(s): {String.Join(", ", poNumbers)} Plant: {group.PlantName}  - Receipt Complete";

    // Build the email body
    StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder();
    body.Append("<html><head><style>body{font-family:Verdana;font-size:12px;}table{max-width:100%;background-color:#ffffff;border-collapse:collapse;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;color:#000000;font-size:11px;}thead{background-color:#0e85b2;border-width:1px;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;color:#fff;}td{border-width:1px;border-color:#000000;border-style:solid;padding:3px;}th{border-color: black;border-style: solid;border-width: 1px;padding-left: 10px;padding-right: 10px;}{</style></head><body>");

    // Check if the company is live; if not, append test information
    if (co.IsLive_c)
        emailTo = buyer.EMailAddress;
        emailCc = partManagerEmail;
        emailTo = $"{callContextClient.CurrentUserId}";
        subject = $"(TEST EMAIL){subject}";
        body.Append("<table><thead><tr><th colspan=2>TEST EMAIL</th></tr><tr><th colspan=2 style=\"background-color:#0e85b2\">Intended Recipients</th></tr></thead><tbody>");

    // Continue building the body with receipt details (company, supplier, POs, etc.)
    body.Append($"<ul><li><b>Company: </b> {co.Company1} - {co.Name}</li><li><b>Site: </b>{group.PlantName}</li><li><b>Supplier Name: </b>{group.Vendor.Name}</li><li><b>PO(s): </b>{String.Join(", ", poNumbers)}</li></ul>");
    // Build the receipt table with relevant columns like PO/Line/Rel, Part Number, Description, Warehouse, etc.
    body.Append("<th>PO / Line / Rel</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Part Number</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Part Desc</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Receipt Qty</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Order Qty</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Total Received</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Unit Cost</th>");
    body.Append("<th>Extended Cost</th>");

    // Track the total amounts for the POs
    decimal overallGrandTotal = 0M;
    decimal currentPOTotal = 0M;
    int lastPONumber = 0;

    // Loop through each receipt line and append details to the body
    foreach (var item in group.ReceiptDetails)
        int currentPONumber = item.ReceiptLines.PONum;
        if (lastPONumber != 0 && lastPONumber != currentPONumber)
            // Append subtotal for the previous PO
            body.Append($"<tr><th colspan='9' style='text-align:right;'>Total for PO {lastPONumber}</th><th style='font-weight:normal; text-align:left; padding-left:3;'>{currentPOTotal.ToString("C")}</th></tr>");
            currentPOTotal = 0; // Reset current PO total

        // Append receipt line details (PO/Line/Rel, Part Number, etc.)
        body.Append($"<td>{item.ReceiptLines.PONum} / {item.ReceiptLines.POLine} / {item.ReceiptLines.PORelNum}</td>");

        // Calculate total received and percentage difference
        var totReceived = group.ReceiptDetails.Where(por => por.PORel.PONum == item.PORel.PONum && por.PORel.POLine == item.PORel.POLine).Select(por => por.PORel.ReceivedQty).Sum();
        var relQty = item.PORel.RelQty;
        var percentageDiff = Math.Abs(totReceived - relQty) / relQty;
        body.Append($"<td>{totReceived.ToString("0.#####")}{(percentageDiff > 0.1m ? "⚠" : string.Empty)}</td>");

        // Calculate and append unit cost and extended cost
        body.Append($"<td>{(item.ReceiptLines.VendorUnitCost * item.ReceiptLines.VendorQty / (item.ReceiptLines.CostPerCode == "M" ? 1000 : item.ReceiptLines.CostPerCode == "C" ? 100 : 1)).ToString("C")}</td>");

        // Track PO totals
        decimal extendedCost = item.ReceiptLines.VendorUnitCost * item.ReceiptLines.VendorQty / (item.ReceiptLines.CostPerCode == "M" ? 1000 : item.ReceiptLines.CostPerCode == "C" ? 100 : 1);
        currentPOTotal += extendedCost;
        overallGrandTotal += extendedCost;
        lastPONumber = currentPONumber;

    // Append the total for the last PO and overall total
    if (lastPONumber != 0)
        body.Append($"<tr><th colspan='9' style='text-align:right;'>Total for PO {lastPONumber}</th><th style='font-weight:normal; text-align:left; padding-left:3;'>{currentPOTotal.ToString("C")}</th></tr>");
    body.Append($"<tr><th colspan='9' style='text-align:right;padding-left:0;'>Overall Grand Total</th><th style='font-weight:normal; text-align:left;padding-left:3;'>{overallGrandTotal.ToString("C")}</th></tr>");

    // Append additional notes and end the HTML body
    body.Append($"</tbody></table><br/><br/><p><b>Note:</b> Any items showing the symbol ⚠, indicate that we received 10% over / under ask.</p> <p>Epicor Automated Message<br/><br/><img src=\"\"/></body></html>");

    // Send email using Ice.Mail.SmtpMail
    var mailer = this.GetMailer(async: true);
    var message = new Ice.Mail.SmtpMail();

    #if DEBUG
        message.SetBcc("STUFF AND THINGS"); // Add Bcc in debug mode

    message.IsBodyHtml = true;

    // Send the email

Well now my explanation post looks silly :rofl:

Let me go look at some real code posts.

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I just added some code above for comparison

1 Like

It’s not awful, but if it were me, I’d put it back the way it was.


Fine, done!


Sorry to bother you this fine morning.

I’ve given up on complaining about formatting issues, and just use my mod powers when I see stuff like that and change it. I believe the user gets a notification when that happens, so I believe they’ll see what was changed and get the point for the future.


Thank you, folks

It’s good to know it’s not somebody formatting their prose to as code … I’ll try to be a little more patient in the future :sweat_smile:


There’s always more to it than immediately visible. In fact,

There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy

I have said for many years, you hit 35 and a body part wants to fall off every year.
Welcome to the road to bring an old fart!


Oh man, that’s exactly my age too. :skull:

Also, a wild Bart has appeared! :smile:


I still get pinged when someone calls my name three times…


Bart-Elia-Juice ??

also… just testing of &nbsp; count towards the “4 space indent”


    (4 nbsp)Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce et arcu vitae augue accumsan consectetur. Ut semper elementum ultrices. Vivamus nisl urna, fringilla sed nisl ac, ullamcorper lacinia quam.

  (1 nbs + 3 reg sp)Donec dolor augue, finibus vel nisi eget, faucibus aliquet lectus. Curabitur at aliquam mauris, sit amet viverra nunc. Sed vulputate facilisis diam, vitae aliquam est ultricies ac.

    (3 nbsp + 1 reg sp)Nulla facilisi. Vestibulum euismod egestas turpis, eget feugiat leo tincidunt sit amet. Donec mollis libero sed leo porttitor eleifend sed in ligula. Proin condimentum, ex in semper lacinia, sapien ex consectetur quam, fringilla vehicula quam felis id lorem.

1 Like