Print Label - Bartender

I need to create a production label whenever a material is issued to job. Our process is we have a kitting process where all materials are picked, issued, and staged at each operation/resource area. We would like to have these materials labeled with the job number, operation, part number, qty, etc.

I am looking at the GenJob report style template. My question is which table would be best to trigger this label to print whenever material is issued to a job? I believe both the “Issue Material” as well as the “Mass Issue to Mfg” will be use so I want it to be triggered coming from either one. Would I be required to create 2 separate BPM? Thinking about using the PartTran to trigger the label to print if the type is issued (“I”). Thoughts?

Looks like I might have to use the GenInv SSRS template if I am going to trigger it off PartTran table.

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So I am creating a data directives for auto print. I was able to do it for the GenRcpt label when receiving and printing the receiving label. However, I cannot get it to output the output for when doing an issue.

I created a Standard Data Directive that if a row is added to ttPartTran table and the row added have “TranType” equal “I” for issue then auto print. This seem like it should output the txt file for Bartender, but I am not getting anything.

It should output into this folder, but I am not getting anything. Anything else wrong?

did you try just a simple message box in the BPM to make sure it’s firing?

Never mind, you can’t do that in a standard directive.

Good idea. I created a popup and figured out my issue. Was using the wrong field and should’ve been “TranClass”.

This is what I use for Custom Code to show a pop-up.



I am curious as to what your entire expression includes except the “I…” in the screenshot…


“I” is it. From the BAQ screen

Ah, thanks! it looked like it cut off more after the “…”