This is straightforward enough to implement for issuing, but how do I have this trigger for the Issue Material screen but not for Mass Issue to Mfg. Currently it is firing for any issue transaction. Is there something that differentiates these types of transactions in PartTran besides TranClass/Type? Is there another way of accomplishing this?
We would like to have auto print setup to print labels for individual issuing but we dont want to print a ton of labels for a Mass Issue.
Is mass issue a different screen then regular issue material? We don’t mass issue so I don’t know. If it is, add a condition to your BPM looking to see which assembly called the BPM. If it is the same screen, then use call context to control when your labels print with a UI side customization too.
Thanks for the reply. Mass Issue to Mfg is a different screen. Could you explain what you mean by seeing which assemply calls the BPM? Do you mean for a Method Directive? Currently I am using a Standard Data Directive on the Part Tran table.
ProcessID or AssemblyName depending on how specific you want to be. If you don’t know either of those values just log them to the event viewer so you can see what they are then use them in your condition.
That i’m not sure about. If you have a way to do a trace and manually print what you are looking to print that will show you what those keys are and how they are ordered. Off-hand I don’t know what the keys are. They might be the transaction number or sysrowid. Either will be available in the data directive dataset.