We have customers that order and have us ship to their customers. Some of these customers have shipto’s that have only been used once in the last 2 years or more. I would like to purge these out of the system. Obviously, when you try to DMT it says it can not because it is attached to an order. Ideas on how to do this? When bringing up these customers in Epicor they load very slowly and the shipto, which amount to many thousands, load slowly as well. There has to be a way to purge them or at least inactive them so they are not always loading??? Something?!
This is what I did.
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That has been VERY helpful in most areas. The one lst area that is a real pain is on the Sales Order, when you right click on ATTN and select Customer Contact Maint, that trick doesn’t work. Pulled the tracing data and its all Get rows and GetById. Working on figuring this mess out.