Has anyone utilized Download Python Connectors for Epicor ERP. 30-Day Free Trial ?
Is this compatible with Epicor Kinetic?
I would like to know if I can use this with Epicor Kinetic to do ETL operations?
I am trying to integrate Freshdesk and Epicor Service and Asset module.
(Kevin Lincecum)
May 10, 2023, 9:11pm
Should be.
From this page:
Compatible with Epicor REST Services API v.1 and v.2
API v.1
Where can I find more about Epicor Kinectic REST API? I can’t seem to find anything with Google.
(Kevin Lincecum)
May 11, 2023, 1:20am
I would start here:
My apologies if you are confused about the REST services so let me try to fix that by giving you a fly over. It’s pretty long and many Geek areas dropped into. If you want something written for normal human being and not geeks, please check out the documentation in the online help. I spent significant time having geek to normal translation done.
The new REST ‘wrappers’ have all the features of the existing web services. GetByID, GetRows, GetList, Update and all those custom methods on every ser…
Older thread, but will get you primed.
Loads of other threads on here for more information.
I’m sure someone will be along shortly with links to the help/documentation.
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(Kevin Lincecum)
May 11, 2023, 1:21am
And of course, welcome to our rabbit hole.
(Carlos Quintanilla)
May 11, 2023, 8:15am