RDD Report Criteria is greyed-out

I synced the report and I still get the errors on the DataSet(s). I even opened the RDL and did a Test Connection and Refresh fields on ALL the DataSets.

I used the BAQ Report Designer to initially build the RDL file. Perhaps if I captured the GUID and manually ran the RDL inside the Report Designer, it might offer some better insight. Other than that, I am out of ideas.

Are you trying to alter a BAQ Report RDD or create a new RDD using a BAQ as a data source?

Just re-read the post again and noticed that you said you used the BAQ Report Designer, so I am assuming that you are trying to alter a BAQ Report RDD.

Someone else can probably confirm, but you can’t use that functionality with a BAQ Report.

You need to create a new blank RDD and then add your BAQ to that. Then you can use the Criteria functionality.

Correct. I did the report as a BAQ Report using the BAQ Report Designer. I let the BAQ Report Designer create the RDL shell, then I used that to design the report. After everything was done, I forgot that the user needs to enter parameters.

Can I salvage what I have done?

I spent a lot of time on the RDL.

What should I do now?

I’m pretty sure the datasets in a BAQ Report’s RDL will differ from those in a RDD Based RDL. To salvage your current RDL, you’ll probably need to alter the datasets to match what the RDD generates.

You could also just use the criteria selections in the BAQ Report Designer. I don’t believe you can tie them to parameters, but you could delete the parameters and then replicate them in the BAQ Report.

So I need to add the Tables into the RDD and not bother with with the BAQ Query as a DataSource at all? I was pretty sure I have done BAQ Reports with parameters before.

There are 2 ways to create an SSRS report in Epicor. The old way is to create a BAQ Report based on a BAQ and Epicor will automatically create the RDD and Report Style. The way that most people do it now is to create the RDD manually as a blank RDD and then add in the BAQ. Then manually create the Report Style.

These two options are not interchangeable. You cannot combine the two approaches. What @ckrusen is saying is that if you want to salvage your SSRS report AND use the RDD Criteria functionality, you will need to create the new RDD and manually update the RDL to mirror the new dataset output.

Ok, forget the BAQ Report Designer. It seems like a quick for an end-user to do.

I already have the BAQ and the RDL is already done. I tried the approach of doing the RDD manually, picking the BAQ, the Criteria. Then I did the Report Style, there was a step to upload a report but that failed.

If doing the Report Style, how do I get it build the RDL on the Report Server to edit it?

If I do Create SSRS Report, it throws me a permissions error even though I am a System Administrator on the SSRS Site.

Do you have the “ReportTemplate” in your Custom Reports folder?

Yes. The RDL called ReportTemplate is located in the Custom Reports folder. Within the Report Style, Actions. Create SSRS Reports it throw me a permissions issue. I am a System Administrator on SSRS and can upload reports to that Custom Reports folder just fine if I use the BAQ Report Designer. I can also manually upload and download RDLs to that folder without any issues.

The permissions granted to user DOMAIN\USER are insufficient for performing this operation.
—> Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.AccessDeniedException:
The permissions granted to user DOMAIN\USER are insufficient for performing this operation.

Does an RDL for TE-WSR already exist in the reports/CustomReports “folder”?

Try entering reports/CustomReports/TE-WSR_2 for the Report Location before doing the “Create SSRS Report”

Yes, the file already existing but only because I did this – I downloaded the ReportTemplate.rdl and renamed it to TE-WSR and then manually uploaded it. I thought I could do the Sync Dataset, but that errored.

I just tried your suggestion of making a new Report Location with a different name. Then clicking Create SSRS Report throws me the SSRS pemissions issue.

Based on the Help, I am thinking that the “Create Report” only works for a BAQ Report.

For what it is worth. The SSRS RDL report I am trying to create IS based on a BAQ Query as the DataSource.

Correct. But it is not a BAQ Report, correct? It’s confusing but they are two different things.

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I’ve seen some call it an “Advanced BAQ Report”. I prefer to say “RDD Based BAQ Report”.

And for what it’s worth, there seems to be some steps missing (or very unclear) in making an RDD based BAQ report from scratch. Particularly how that initial RDL gets created. And if you had a previous old-fashioned BAQ Report, using the same ID for the new RDD based BAQ Report can get confusing. I recall the Dropdown for the Data Definition having multiple entries with the same ID. One for the old-fashioned BAQ, and one for the RDD based BAQ Report I created.


I had that backwards. I had a BAQ Report and a separate RDD(using a BAQ) that would show up under the Data Definition in the Report Style just once. No idea which one it was pointing to.

Right. I would like to do this type of Report instead of the BAQ Report Designer.

I have no idea how the initial RDL gets created though. The Create SSRS Report from within the Report Style screen does not work. It throws some odd permissions error even though I have complete access.

I am having so much trouble with this, that I have no other choice but to go back to the BAQ Report Designer. At least the Report renders albeit I really dislike the Filters instead of using Parameters.

You’re not alone in struggling with an RDD based BAQ Report. Maybe some hints here:

Thanks for forum topic link. I found 2 interesting tidbits in that post.

1.) 6.Now I have to specify a path to the RDL (which doesn’t currently exist in any form)
So now I have to make this RDL from Scratch: Adding the Datasource, Setting the dataset query expressions, Adding fields, etc…
For this one I copied the BAQ Report template .rdl file and saved it in CustomReports with a descriptive name, add the path to the Report style, then did the unthinkable :wink: and clicked ‘Sync Dataset’ to copy everything to the .rdl

2.) This one was interesting. I am doing the same thing, prefixing all my objects with the CompanyName and hyphen. I am going to change those.

Turns out that my problem was that there was a dash in my BAQ name (i.e CompanyName-BAQ) and either Epicor didn’t like that there was a dash, or the query name was getting too long. Regardless, I spun off a copy of the BAQ with the company name dropped and it appears to be work