Recreating Gross Sales Margin report

In Vantage 6.1 I would get the total costs for job from the JobAsmbl table selecting only level 0 and adding up all the TLA (This Level Actual) and LLA (Lower Levels Actual) costs.  I suspect it is the same for later versions.  I have not gotten there yet with E10.


-Todd C.



From: []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 9:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] Recreating Gross Sales Margin report



Thanks Todd!


I noticed there's an Actual Gross on the PDR, but cannot find where to extract this information on the PDR.


Any ideas? 

Good morning, group: 

I'm recreating a Sales Gross Margin report (ours is broken), I noticed that the Costs for the job in the InvcDtl table is different than what's reported on the PDR.  

Would it be accurate to use the Job cost from the Invoice Detail table even though there's a slight different in the costs?  

My other option would be to somehow link the InvcDtl table with the JobAssm table, but having some trouble with those links.

Thanks in advance!

Costs are captured to InvcDtl at the time the invoice is created.  If the job is still open and new costs are going to it then they would be missed on the already done InvcDtl but then hit subsequence invoices.  Most of the time things are pretty close but Job Costs and Sales Costs will very frequently not match exactly.  Took me forever to explain to prior employer’s president and even then I think he did not believe me.  Worse yet are costs to the job that come in after the last shipment has been made.


-Todd C.



From: []
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 8:19 AM
Subject: [Vantage] Recreating Gross Sales Margin report



Good morning, group: 


I'm recreating a Sales Gross Margin report (ours is broken), I noticed that the Costs for the job in the InvcDtl table is different than what's reported on the PDR.  


Would it be accurate to use the Job cost from the Invoice Detail table even though there's a slight different in the costs?  


My other option would be to somehow link the InvcDtl table with the JobAssm table, but having some trouble with those links.


Thanks in advance!



Thanks Todd!

I noticed there's an Actual Gross on the PDR, but cannot find where to extract this information on the PDR.

Any ideas?