Remote access client ERP outside the office

We are using Epicor version ERP10.2.500.10, its setup on Microsoft server 2016 STD sitting on Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
Is there a way users can access the client ERP remotely away from office premises?
NB: Without using a cloud solution

A VPN set up by your IT department, is the only secure/ scalable that I know of.

A VPN. That’s how our users run Epicor WFH.

Richard Hicks seems to be the master of all things Remote Access:

“Without using a cloud solution” Cloud is a term that usually means the Internet, do you actually mean without using the Internet or do you mean without hosting your Epicor ERP off premise?

VPN on a machine that is configured to the domain or a VPN and rdp back to my desktop in the office or a terminal server. Have used a combination of both while WFH and remotely in China.