Remove an Operation from all parts and move the Material to the next operation

Hi All

We currently have an operation for “kitting” with all the material against it
We would like to remove kitting as an operation and just use the buffers
However we need to move the material off from the kitting op
the trouble we have is that the kitting op isn’t always a specific number, it could be 3 or 10 or anything in between really

We’ve tried a DMT but it then checked in all of our parts and set all of the revisions as approved

Is there anything else we can try?

Assuming you’re talking about you engineering methods and not Job methods.
Just curious… when you tried the DMT, which template(s) did you use? Multiple passes/templates?

If DMT won’t work, have you looked at “Mass Replace Operation”?
I set up a “dummy” operation called “0 - Pick Parts” once & used it with Mass Replace to get rid of an unwanted operation.
Not the cleanest but… was good enough for what I was doing.

This query might help you with building your DMT. Then you can use the output to build a DMT thinking you only need to update the RelatedOperation field on the PartMtl Table. his will only update new jobs going forward, as current jobs will have the old operation flow.

SELECT pomain.partnum, pomain.RevisionNum, pomain.OprSeq, pomain.opcode,
pm.MtlSeq, pm.MtlPartNum, pm.RelatedOperation,
(select top 1 posub.OprSeq from erp.partopr posub where pomain.OprSeq < posub.OprSeq
and posub.PartNum = pomain.PartNum
and posub.RevisionNum = pomain.RevisionNum
and posub.Company = pomain.Company) AS NewRelatedOperation
FROM erp.partopr pomain
INNER join Erp.PartMtl pm on pomain.Company = pm.Company
and pomain.PartNum = pm.PartNum
and pomain.RevisionNum = pm.RevisionNum
where pomain.opcode = ‘kitting’

The related operation is on JobMtl, so you can just set it to 0. The mass update on UD03 should do it. (I do a bunch of these, but this one has not been tested ) . Add the UD maintenance program to the menu and you can just add a record to fire the update.

Then the kitting operation can be removed with DMT.

Do a baq with PartRev before, so you have the correct approved or unapproved revisions to dmt back.

If you want to assign the related operation to the first op if you do backflushing then you can do the other mass update to reassign. ( again not tested )


New Part Revision Template.xlsx (12.5 KB)

Mass Update RelOpr using UD03.p (345 Bytes)

Mass Update RelOpr with first Opr using UD03.p (550 Bytes)

i’ am trying to create a DTM for this a Part level…

We are wanting to move all are martial to the first operation and i having problems getting the related operations to pull, i keep getting operations that don’t have any martial .

SELECT dbo.PartRev.PartNum, dbo.PartRev.RevisionNum, dbo.PartRev.Approved, dbo.PartOpr.OpCode AS Expr1, dbo.PartOpr.OprSeq AS OprSEQSort,
dbo.PartMtl.MtlPartNum, dbo.PartMtl.MtlSeq, dbo.PartMtl.RelatedOperation
dbo.PartOpr ON dbo.PartRev.Company = dbo.PartOpr.Company AND dbo.PartRev.PartNum = dbo.PartOpr.PartNum AND
dbo.PartRev.RevisionNum = dbo.PartOpr.RevisionNum INNER JOIN
dbo.PartMtl ON dbo.PartOpr.Company = dbo.PartMtl.Company AND dbo.PartOpr.PartNum = dbo.PartMtl.PartNum AND
dbo.PartOpr.RevisionNum = dbo.PartMtl.RevisionNum
GROUP BY dbo.PartRev.PartNum, dbo.PartRev.RevisionNum, dbo.PartRev.Approved, dbo.PartMtl.MtlPartNum, dbo.PartMtl.MtlSeq, dbo.PartMtl.RelatedOperation,
dbo.PartOpr.OpCode, dbo.PartOpr.OprSeq
HAVING (dbo.PartRev.Approved = 1)