Residential/Commercial address validation in Quick Ship?

Does anyone know of a way to have Quick Ship validate the ship-to address on an order and automatically check the residential box if it’s a residential address? Ideally without creating a BPM or API. Thanks!

Hi Grant,

You’ll need to do a customization/bpm. We use the FedEx API to return commercial/non-commercial on the address for Manifest (old Quick Ship).

Check out this thread: Residential Address Verification

Thank you. I am surprised this isn’t standard Quickship functionality. If you or anyone else thinks that residential address verification should be standard functionality in Kinetic/Quickship, please vote on my Epicor Idea # QS-I-158.

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From Epicweb on the release notes i see under 2021.2

Thank you @Devin.Draeger. The only issue is that it doesn’t tell the user if the address is residential. In my opinion, that should be part of the standard address validation process - to automatically check the residential box for the user if the address is classified as residential per the UPS API.

@askulte - what exactly does your BPM do on the Kinetic/Quickship side when it identifies a ship-to address as residential?

We flag it as Residential Delivery on the Order Header, which passes on to Manifest (old QuickShip). I think we also flag the residential parcel ShipVia packages as Home Delivery as well.
