Hello -
I’m using Excel / PQE to access our Kinetic SaaS implementation. I’ve created a simple query that accesses the PartSvc in order to to get PartNum, PartDescription, TypeCode, and ProdCode. I’ve included $select and $filter parameters to limit the scope of the data. For some reason or another it is taking in excess of 10 minutes to get 4 fields of just the top 1000 of our 26,228 records. Wondering if other have run into the issue? Perhaps it’s due to the very large size / number of fields in the Parts DB? As a reference, here’s the request I’m sending:
https://ausmtsapp01.epicorsaas.com/SaaS201/api/v2/odata/ABCDEF/Erp.BO.PartSvc/Parts?$filter=ProdCode eq ‘RNB’ and length(PartNum) eq 6&$select=PartNum, PartDescription, TypeCode, ProdCode&$top=1000&api-key=myapikey
Seems pretty straighforward - Am I missing something here? I’ve tried increasing timeout with [Timeout=#duration(0,0,30,0)]… no luck.
I have no trouble collecting all 26K+ records from other, “smaller” SVCs - PartCostSearchSvc, and others. Which, as I alluded to earlier, makes me believe my problem is due to the size of PartsSvc. If this is the case, does anyone know where else in the BO namespace I can find PartNum and PartDescription in the same SVC / table?
Thanks Very Much!