Restoring Production db to Test environment in E10

It is common practice to periodically take a copy of our Production database and restore it to our Test environment. With version 10, I notice there are several field values that get updated that we do not want updated. The following values change:

Under Company Maintenance:
Enterprise URL
Help URL

Email and Reporting:

E10 Client:
System Agent > Delete task agent and create a new one

Is there any way to successfully restore the database without affecting these fields? It’s just a hassle to go in every time and make these changes when a db is restored to our test environments.


You can use DMT (if you own it) to automate those changes when you do a refresh.

If not, you can automate this by creating a SQL script to change the values (as this is a non-production database, violating your maintenance agreement on this database by doing this isn’t a big deal, right?!)

  • ice.syscompany.emailfromlabel: I would change this to reflect the database instance name so emails going out can be identified as coming from a db that isn’t production.
  • ice.syscompany.entsearchurl: the enterprise search URL
  • ice.syscompany.epicorhelpurl: the help URL

Email and Reporting:

No one should ever use the SSRS override on company maintenance, ever–like, zero people should use it. This is my serious face :expressionless: NO ONE SHOULD USE IT. <deep breath> I would stop using this in production, then you don’t have to change it when you do the refresh.

But, it’s ice.syscompany.ssrsdatabasename

Regarding the tasks on the system agent. You can change the log files names by executing something like the following which will add pilot to the beginning of the existing log file name:

update ice.sysagenttaskparam
set paramcharacter='pilot' + paramcharacter
where paramname='LogFilename'
and paramcharacter not like '%\%'

If you are using the credit card module, you will want to turn that off too in your test environment. So if someone tests shipping an order, it wont try to process anything.

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agreed. I created an earlier post on a tailoring db script that Support uses when we bring a customer database in-house, and this is one of the items that we disable.

If one wanted to look at the list of items that should be changed:

Same goes for TaxConnect. Either disable it, or change the URL to a sandbox endpoint (if you have one)

I also change the default theme. I made one that has bright green backgrounds to instantly let users know they are in the test db.

Create the Them in your live company, then you only have to set it as the default when you copy the Live Db to Test DB

I do the same thing. I dont want users accidentally testing things in Prod.

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Or wasting time entering real info in Test. :slight_smile:

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Yes, we use color coding.