No, wait. It’s Trouble Shooting by the Rubber Duck expert himself, @aidacra! That’s right Indiana and Michigan people, your Friendly Neighborhood Support Person (Nathan Anderson) will be coming to Kalamazoo, MI on Thursday, May 9, 2019. He will be doing a slimmed down version of his extended education class on Trouble Shooting from Vegas this year. This is a regional EUG event. For registration, go here.
I love it! Aww @Mark_Wonsil! You are AWESOME! Thank you for this post! We were just about to post this announcement too! Woohoo! Come out and see the Senior Principal Engineer for Epicor Technical Support and Rubber Duckie Enthusiast himself! And bring him a rubber duck to add to his collection if you’d like! Just make sure it’s small enough to fit into his suitcase! LOL
I am very excited to be heading out to the Michigan/Indiana EUG to discuss all things rubber ducky and ERP Administration / troubleshooting techniques
Bring any specific issues that you may have struggled with, and we’ll dig into them during the Q&A section.
This material and session doesn’t assume any specific base level of knowledge with ERP, IIS, or SQL so everyone is welcome! What it does provide is a path for those of us that may have been thrown into an accidental ERP Administrator role to be effective and confident in managing the underlying Epicor ERP product (and, literally, any other thing on the planet as well with the techniques we discuss–not to oversell it or anything ).
If you are in the area, please come out. I’m told there may (cough) be prizes and this will be as interactive as a session on ERP administration can possibility be! If you aren’t a member of the EUG and have considered it, now’s the time to join!
I was informally asked if I could make it out and I am definitely available–nothing formally set up as of today though.
LMBO! Uh, I have NO idea what you are talking about…
I can promise you there will be no shaking it with FloRida at this meeting. (We can’t afford an open bar.) Unless @aidacra shakes a (rubber duckie) tail feather during his presentation?
LMBO!!! Oh. My. Goodness. What the DUCK!? LOL!
That’s amazing! You HAVE to wear that during your presentation at our meeting! LOLRH! You need like a bubble blower shooting out magical soap bubbles wherever you go in that thing too! LOL
You’re QUACK-ing me up Nathan!
Got any grapes!?
Hey, what do you call a duck that steals?
A robber duckie!
We just got a report on head count and seats are filling up fast! It’s not too late to reserve your spot but you will want to do it soon!!!
Wish I could make it
Another GREAT Presentation @aidacra!!! Thank you so much for coming out to present at our MI/IN EUG meeting! We appreciate all of the wisdom and knowledge that you share and the time and effort that you put into every presentation that you give to us users! And for always making learning FUN! <Quack!>
@hkeric.wci was so kind to donate to his duckie collection and I gave him one too! We should of have had a contest for whoever guessed closest to the correct total number of duckie images in the presentation.