SalesOrder.Update BPM - Speed up BPM

I’m working on a BPM that adds a data tag on credit card orders where BillTo and ShipTo addresses don’t match. Since credit cards or shipto’s can be changed indpendently, I created this on Salesorder.Update. Unfortunately, this BO fires very often.

This one only takes 8ms per the trace, but we’ve got many other BPM’s on SO Update that consume about 400ms (checking for inactive parts & calculating shipping consume 350ms of that).

Suggestions on how to limit this efficiently? Or am I worrying about nothing (8ms)?

(Note - message boxes will not be in LIVE)


The CheckForInactivePart BPM takes about 150ms, whether I add/modify an OrderDtl line or not…

Is it possible the inactive check is also doing the join to tt or ds thing that is to be avoided.

I would think if that is doing a .Any and returning just true/false it would be super quick.