"Set as Production" for AppServer - what impact?

What impact, if any, does “set as production” have on the app pool? Is it just a label, or is it doing something else too (perhaps related to performance or stability?).

The only thing I know it does is allow you to use the new BPM condition “Is/is not set as Production Instance”. That way, if you want, you can have your BPM’s only work on the Production app server.


Since a lot of people have looked at this, the flag does move when copying databases over. DB Field is SysLicense.IsProductionInstance. If you are using a scripted SQL Agent job add something like the following (or create new and run):


SET p.[IsProductionInstance] = 0
FROM [YOURTESTDBNAME].[Ice].[SysLicense] [p]
WHERE p.[IsProductionInstance] = 1