Slide Out Customization

It looks like the CallCheckForNeedsLotAttrs event also opens the app … have you run a trace to see which one is actually running?

Also/Or, the name “IterativeEvent” makes me think that it’s called by name from something like a dataview-condition event widget - maybe that’s not being handled correctly, and the calling event has to be updated to use your custom event :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Haven’t been paying attention too much, so not sure if it’s warranted, but you most certainly can.

However, remember to absolutely do safe error checking in this BO.

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The initial event is when the onclick tool save is clicked.

I think I may have to go up the tree of events until I find the right one to replace.

the big parent I believe is UpdateOverride
the Iterative event is triggered afterwards by a dataview-condition.
after that it runs an event I put in before the CallchkforneedslotattrsUpd

the app-open event seems to come from the dataview-condition, “checklotattrs_iterativeEvent”

If i can’t override that event, Do i need to override the dataview condition as well?

That’s what I’m unsure of - I think it would be worth the effort to try: Copy the event with the dataview-condition and change the trigger to override the original, then change the one field in the dataview-condition to explicitly call your override of the checkLotAttrs_iterativeEvent.

The iterative event is being called by updateoverride. Making changes to that one seems overkill and not something we want to touch.

Unless there is a better way I may have to end this endeavor. The override hook doesn’t seem to want to work in my verison.

It isn’t an option and it is something I’ve tried to manually enter into the hook box.

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If you know for a fact that the event has not already been overridden … then I don’t have any other ideas to try.

I don’t believe that it is being overridden somewhere else.

I can’t confirm the override hook even works though. the Slide out is such a nested behavior and I’m unsure how else to handle.

Could I slip a before event on a iterative even and stop it somehow to call my own? some sort of manual override?

I’ve been having issues trying to insert something before that iterative event

That might work! with an Exit or Cancel at the end … but that might also mess with any other events that follow in the flow
I would check the trace to see what follows that might get cancelled

Here are two other methods we were just discussing on a different post yesterday. This is what was possible before they gave us the override option.