SO Automation - PreCheck Error

Has anyone run into this error within the PreCheck step of the SO Automation workflow?

InternalServerError: Internal Server Error
500:REST API Exception
System.Data.Entity.Core.OptimisticConcurrencyException:Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. See Handling Concurrency Conflicts - EF6 | Microsoft Learn for information on understanding and handling optimistic concurrency exceptions.

I have not seen that. Did you look at the recording to see if there was anything odd in the data before this and compared it to another PO going thru?

There is an issue with arrays that does something like this where one row will be missing an element. For me it was a line without a revision would not process when the rest of the lines had one.

Unfortunately, every array has the same amount of values so that doesn’t appear to be the cause. The customer does have some UD fields and BPM’s which may or may not be the cause. I’ll likely have to ask them to disable them for a test to try and isolate the root cause.

Do they had a test/dev ECM license and setup? I love having an environment that I can just bang around on to find solutions.

Turns out they have a number of BPM’s interacting with the OrderHed table which are interfering with the PreCheck datalink from ECM. Marking this as the solution as the unique BPM configuration of every customer may or may not cause issues.