SQL Replication w/10.1.600 to 10.2.200 upgrade

We are working through a test upgrade from 10.1.600 to 10.2.200. We currently do SQL replication on all erp. tables to a reporting server and are wondering should we leave replication running when we do the upgrade to pick up new table changes or do we stop replication during the upgrade and then turn it back on? Or should we do something else?

I’m assuming you are doing Transactional Replication?

I’m guessing there might be some schema changes with possible Table/Field Name Changes/Additions from 10.1 to 10.2…? So if that’s the case I would think your safest bet would be to stop replication completely, do the upgrade, and then start with a fresh snapshot. Not sure if you would have to tweak any Publisher settings or not but I would say that’s how I would (will?) approach it.

Whatever you try, can you please post your results? Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hi Heather,

Do you know where can I find a pdf guide or some information about possible schema changes between 10.1 and 10.2 ?

We about to migrate as well and would like to familiarize ourselves with that prior an upgrade.



I don’t know where to find an actual detailed list of the schema changes from 10.1 to 10.2 but you could email documentation@epicor.com and ask them if they have anything.

I found this in the Epicor ERP Feature Summary for 10.2.100 on EpicWeb but it’s a very high-level overview for Epicor10:

This is an older post requesting an Epicor10 DB Schema which gives you some tools that you can use to create a schema and a link to the Epicor10 ERD.

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