Test Epicor server - Epicor 10

We need to allow the users to install a client on their workstation and connect to test their business process.

Just to make sure I understand. You are using Physical Servers?


No VMWare

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We are on Hyper V and we have production in a virtual machine appserver and sql separate VMs. We then setup a Dev/Test environment Hyper V on a different setup with different IP and server names. Installed Epicor from scratch on those servers and configured DEV prefixed application servers. With a DEV sql server environment. We then restore the database from production to dev/test and rename the company prefixed with DEV (####) where numbers are month and year the test was setup. Finally we install the client to the local C drive in a different subfolder in the C:\Epicor folder. We use the application server name as the sub folder for the client connected to that application server. This allows us to test updates in a test environment and not mess up the production client. Hope this helps! Again, our DEV/Test system is not the same system configuration for power and load.


@gpayne I followed the same process to create Epicor test server and it is working fine.

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