The other John Kane

Yes, I’m not saying @jkane 's methodology was wrong, or that he didn’t like the posts he was liking, he just went about it in a very different way. And that’s why I don’t think I deserve that badge. I was just clarifying my methodology about how I like things.

Nicely worded Jose.

and oddly enough, I understand this.

Don’t feel like explaining myself again, so I will just link to the post.

The long and the short of it, I was chasing a badge that night. :flushed:


Yes, thanks for linking that, now @klincecum has the full story. you like everything, but forgot to like it so you spent the time doing what you forgot to do.

Okay reading this made my day. 995 likes?! Amazing.

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Hey, no respect; I resemble that remark.


Yes, you do :laughing:


I’m nowhere near 995 posts, but now I’m all self-conscious about coming back to this thread a few days later and liking multiple posts in one sitting…

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