UD Table to Ultragrid

Hello all,

I have a few questions I’m hoping someone can answer.

I currently have these custom columns on a UD table: OrderHed_UD I would like the UnavailableLine_c to work similar to the OrderLine so when it new line comes in it just creates a sequence 1,2,3,4 of the same fields but their own fields on that specific order.

Now the real question, how do I add these fields to a Ultragrid on the Sales Order screen?


All the best,

May be you need to create them in the OrderDtl instead of OrderHed.
Once these fields are created, same will be available in the list view of the line.

There is no OrderDtl_UD I believe?

Create the new table and select “OrderDtl” it creates “OrderDtl_UD”.
Create new fields which are required.

How do I get those fields to display in a Ultragrid?

Once you create it, it will show up in the original Grid, automatically.

Got it now haha

Now I’m getting this?


Every time I tab down for a new line on

Any reason?

Looks like you added a brand spankin new grid… is this bound to UDXX table, or is it just bound to OrderDtl?

EpiBinding = OrderDtl

I wasn’t able to select the OrderDtl_UD as it wasn’t in the list, I have read on some other forums it needs to be coded in.

Do you have any event code when you do tab down, assuming its trying to set the Company column to null, or empty.

OrderDtl is the correct one, Epicor makes a view of both tables Erp.OrderDtl and Erp.OrderDtl_UD so you only have to work with OrderDtl

No event codes trying to set the company to null.


you will need to paste your code :). The next issue would be an issue with Filtering the grid or if you made a new DataView of OrderDtl

I just ran into this with an OLD UD table grid in a customization. Meaning the customization was setup in 10.1. Recently upgraded to 10.2.600 and now it doesn’t look like Company is auto set when a new row is created. I had to add setting the Company value in the Event code.
I don’t know if this is a bug or intended design for cross company record ownership control.
It worked fine in 10.1 and then in 10.2.600 this error suddenly started popping up.

I better test some of my grids… was your specific in Order as well?

@Rich @pferrington

No mine was UD01 that I hung off of Work Force Entry (SalesRep)
I only found out because the end user rec’d that same error.

@jgiese.wci @josecgomez you got any grid issues yet in 600? I am on 600.8

@Rick_Bird which version is yours on

New Row should call GetNewXX on the appropriate adapter .
You have to make the grid a DataEntry grid and wire up the events (for ud tables / grids)

Mine seems to work okay. I am not setting Company, Epicor behind the scenes is still setting that for me just fine in 10.2.600.8. I only set Key1 - Key5. With New Button or Enter, Tab - all seems ok on my 2 grids, but then again they are connected to JobMtl, not to a higher parent.

But maybe I did my initial code differently, letting Epicor handle the add new row natively, and notifying the UI (working with the Adapter, not the grid).

private void grdCutPlan_BeforeRowInsert(object sender, Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.BeforeRowInsertEventArgs args)
	// Event handling code generated by wizard.
	args.Cancel = true;


UUGH, I hate looking at code I wrote years ago… that’s probably the problem, looks like it’s littered with events. Why did I do it this way? (ironically I was probably in a hurry and not thinking things through, just flipping the puzzle piece around til it fit :crazy_face:)
Well I should probably rework this at some point, the way you did it makes much more sense.