UI/UX Fixes in 2023.2 - coming soon to a device near you

:safe_harbor: SAFE HARBOR :safe_harbor:
So… here is a prerelease list of the screens that were touched as part of our UI/UX Enhancement Initiative. These were not necessarily bug fixes, but changes to the UI/UX that make it work better in the browser. This is not a comprehensive list of ALL enhancements… just the enhancements that were focused on Browser based applications. There are many other “new features” that may affect other screens, for example, not mentioned on the slide below is the new Ship-to inactive flag, which does change the ship-to UI, but is not part of the list below. There will be a complete list in the release notes.
@josecgomez, I believe that this is what you were asking for.
Note that these are in 4 categories:

  • Removal of landing pages… we realized that some screens just should not have a landing page.
  • Layout Changes… similar to what we did in 2023.1, we are adjusting additional screens to make them more efficient.
  • Explorer Promoted or newly added… We promoted the newly popular explorer so it is easier to get to, and we added a new kind of explorer for Quote to Cash.
  • Improved Performance… some of the bigger changes happened to the Buyer Workbench and PO Suggestions working on their performance for the end users. We also updated Quote Engineering so that it the same quote analysis card that shows in Opportunity/quote entry.


Thanks @timshuwy ! :palms_up_together:

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What is the target date for this release @timshuwy ?

Loved the “Explorer” view in the Procure-to-Pay and was actually thinking it would be great to have that on the Quote/Sales Order side. Happy to see the “Quote-to-Cash” Explorers coming-soon!!

DATES for 2023.2:
9/12/2023 - Controlled Release (ends 10/16/2023)
10/14/2023 - MT Cloud Production Deployment
10/20/2023 - GA Release (for those on prem)
10/21/2023 - Cloud Production Deployment
Of course, all this is covered by :safe_harbor: Safe Harbor statement :wink:

Bummer, going live in September probably. Going to be a lot to try and convince people to go at it again in October.

Here is a screenshot of the explorer. Note how the explorer is promoted to the top of the screen, and the new quote to cash (although this particular example has no quote).


I was wondering what you meant by “promoted”. Got it now, haha!

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Yeah I have been looking forward to this Tim.

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“Promoted” in our thoughts is making it more visible. We have also demoted some fields/features that were lesser used in the UI.
In this particular case, the Explorer was hidden in the Activity section. It IS an view of activity, but it is special, and in some ways “replaces” the functionality of some of the activity. Before it took 2-3 mouse clicks to see the explorer… now it is just one click away.


The uplift from 2023.1 latest patch to 2023.2 will probably be pretty non-event. I would just sneak it in there LOL

lol you’re joking right? We just went from 2022.2.14 to .20 which SHOULD have been a complete non-event but instead introduced a new bug that prevents us from manually closing orders. Thanks Epicor for that excellent regression testing. I would never ever sneak in an update much less a full release upgrade right before go live and people will definitely need downtime after go live to recover before taking on another round of testing.

You still always test Quote to cash and if you come accross a bug yeah don’t upgrade, but generally the new issues that come up are mitigated pretty easily. I think our last major we got down to 10 hours between 2 of us on a very customized system.


Not realistic for a dot release update, and even if we did, manually reopening and reclosing an order isn’t on our test script. Should it be? Maybe, but that is the kind of thing that should NOT break.

At that point it comes down to frequency. If you close and open orders manually A LOT then sure it should be in the test script. If it’s once in a blue moon, then though annoying probably not a significant bug either.

Every point release I still test an MTO order if I can get an order through the system start to finish and the job as well, then it’s functional enough nothing is going to cripple us.

Curious though what was happening when you would try to manually close orders. That is a strange one. Did they accepts your case and assumably PRB?

It fails with a something has changed error, but only if there is a one time ship to on the order. It’s supposedly fixed in .22 so here we go again.

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