I am trying to develop an updateable dashboard for Customer Contact Entry, to get around the privileges on the standard contact entry that rely on users having privilege to do customer maintenance in order to add customer contacts.
I’ve gotten close, but am going in circles and thought maybe someone will have an idea for me. I added a tracker view, for user to search and input ship to and customer id data. Then refresh is clicked and any existing contacts for that ship to / cust id are brought up. Now, when user does new record in the dashboard, I need the ship to and the cust id to default to the data in the tracker view. Nothing I have done so far seems to work.
I went to the updateable BAQ to try and mess with the BPM directives on that (screentshot 2), to no avail. The data is stored in V_TEIK_CustomerContactEntry_1View.Customer_CustID and V_TEIK_CustomerContactEntry_1View.CustCnt_ShipToNum
These aren’t accessible in the BPM directives on the BAQ, unless maybe in custom code, but then I’m not sure how to process them in that.
Any suggestions are appreciated!
Which are you trying to do that is similar? Trying to make an updateable dashboard that gets parameters to update automatically or trying to get customer contact entry that doesn’t require user to have full customer entry privileges?
I had a dashboard working for a bit, but never got past some of the above and users needed to enter an ID. It never got used because it was so clunky A couple of months ago, I changed methodology to get customer contact entry without full customer entry privileges useable via a customization. Users do open with off of sales order header ship to attn field and get a limited privilege version of customer contact entry. They like this much much better and it’s gained some traction.
I was mainly interested in this section of your post.
I have an Updateable dashboard and ultimately I would like the user to select their name from a dropdown menu in a tracker view. I would like this data to be automatically populated into a ‘Verified By’ field every time they make an update on a record.
Ah, that’s where I gave up. I was very close and then finally threw the towel in and went another way. I think that this post may be helpful to you in working on this:
Sorry to threadsurrection this one, but I find myself in the position of looking at solutions to the same exact problem. Thank you for sharing what you have. I’ve shared with my users, the process of the One Time Ship To, Save As. Now, I’d like them to be able to add more contacts or modify ones that they add. I am interested in the path you took with the customization that launches customer contact entry. I’m OK if it has full permissions available, I just want it to be its own form and not piggyback Customer Entry - for the exact reason you describe.
Shaking my head as to why the Customer Contact Entry option does not appear in Context Menu Maintenance. For some reason they really didn’t want us messing with this, but for this to be the case, they really must have assumed that adding and editing Customers was a wide open thing. Surprise!
I am having difficulty recalling details of how/why I did what I did, but it’s working and perhaps can be helpful to a degree. There’s something about making a customization of another program have the same name as the calling customization where Epicor is tying hands on calling the program. Here in customization entry, where I have a customization on the Customer Contact Entry program to strip out unwanted tabs/actions/and fields, and call it the same as my customization on sales order entry, e.g. SalesOrderEntryTUSA. I think it also has to be deployed to the main menu per second screenshot. Then when it is opened via open with from Sales order Entry ship to attention field, it opens the customer contact entry.
I’m sorry for my confusion, it’s been awhile. I know I learned about naming the customization the same as the calling one from a post on here, perhaps someone who recalls better can provide more info.
You are absolutely right, there is at least one other circumstance in our environment where we’ve used that “naming” trick. Thank you so much for the screen caps and explanations. I worked on it yesterday afternoon and I think if I combine all this I’ll be able to work through it. Thank you again!
Well, as an admin, I do get part of the desired affect : it loads the custom version of the Customer Contact Entry form and I can tell because my change was just to alter the text box:
However, for the order entry user, I still get the dreaded, Menu ID: OMMT1110 is not valid for the user. This is referencing Customer Entry, in the OM Setup tree folder, to which I do not want to give permissions to the certain users.
Makes me think that I need to review the Customer Entry menu items, and see if it makes sense to have one with full edit capabilities and then the other which functions as the limited one, to be setup so as to work through the Open With, when accessed by the desired users.
Or, if I knew where in Sales Order Entry, to tell the Context Menu item, to use a different Target menu ID, then I could be on to something as well.
I’ve reviewed my context menu changes and couldn’t find anything there. I have however found that I put something in Process Calling that very well might be the key. See below. If you look at my screenshot two above, it shows menu maint and the UDCusCon deploment. This UDCusCon in main menu is setup with the OMMN3000 security for us, which is the same as Sales Order Entry security.
I am signed in as my order entry user, and it launches the slightly custom version of the Contact Entry form. Thank you so very much!
I found it interesting that we had never setup anything in Process Calling before. Also interesting, in the Application Help for Process Calling, it specifically mentions the “naming hack” in a note there, so that is exactly where that “trick” comes from too. Interesting to me, and probably to others, that it was actually documented.
Ah, that is good to hear it is documented in Epicor somewhere. And now thanks to your posts, it’s documented here too! So glad it worked for your Michael. Two years from now when needing to do it again, I’ll come hunting here for these notes
I wonder what will I blow up when I try to also make Customer Ship To Entry ( Open With ) for the Ship To on Sales Order, also open in a similar way for a user with only order entry permissions.
My goal, would be for an order entry user, to right click Ship To, or right click Ship To Contact, and either way, access the appropriate form.
However, if everything they need, is actually in Customer Ship To Maintenance, then I should probable just focus on setting up a single customization and have it go there instead - maybe adding the Context Menu Option to launch the CSTM form from the sales order Attn field.
Sigh, unfortunately, if Ship To = Sold To then is derived from Customer Contacts. So, having both would really be desirable.
PS: To my surprise, nothing blew up! Just add another customization with exactly the same name, but on the Customer Ship To Entry form, and in exactly the same manner as Ship To Contact. Viola!
@Nancy_Hoyt - I would be interested in knowing the steps you took to get a version of customer contact entry created without full customer entry privileges. I am trying to do the same thing with Supplier contacts for our Buyers and have not had any luck with the updateable BAQ/Dashboard route.
I am concerned that when we implement Kinetic screens all bets will be off on the methodology used. Are you using Kinetic screens yet?
So for ours we used process calling id for contact entry with customization name the same exact name as the contact entry. This allowed open with to open a different “reduced privilege” version of customer entry for contact entry per below screenshot. The reduce privilege allowed just entry of contacts and no customer entry. The menus and fields got suppressed for general customer entry for those without those privs and only allowed them to use the contact fields. See screenshots above too.