Upgrade from 10.2.200 to 10.2.600 dashboards with external BAQ not working


This is on my list for this sprint (started sprint today). I’m not sure what the lag time is between when I’m “done” and we actually send it out. My goal is to get things done inside one sprint. I don’t have any pull outside of that. I know I have to do this and get it tested in current code before I can move it back into previous releases.


So it is always hard from dev to follow when things make it out into the wild but I can say the current sprint 2019 - any 10.2.600 fixes will go into 10.2.600.13. Assume I’m reading the list right I would expect that to be release sometime in early october

However our standard is to fix issues in vNext, test and confirm the fix, then apply it to an update. If for some reason it takes a significant amount of time to track this down and fix it could wind up going out in 10.2.600.14 - which would follow roughly 2 weeks after .13 assuming the scheduled customer delivery stays on pace.

All that said - lets let Jeff track down and fix it


Oh and as for Dmitry we will miss him, he worked at Epicor a very long time and shepherded BAQs as you all know a core component of all modifications customers make to the system very well. He is quite happy with his new opportunity that he sought out on his own and looking forward to the opportunity. I personally am very sad to see him go but he is likely to have a great time in his new role and should he not I’d be perfectly happy to welcome him back!


@hkeric.wci - thanks for not giving up on this issue and tracing it further. I was not pleased to see support was telling you this is not a critical issue. Good thing you don’t give up easily even if we all have to wait a bit longer than what I hoped for a fix. Thanks to @jgiese.wci and @josecgomez as well.


Patrick, how much can you offer to make start thinking about it? :wink:
I’ve expected from Epicor at least an offer for a hour-based consulting :slight_smile:

BAQ Views are ready to use in 600. You just need a bit of magic to make them visible to BAQ Designer. I’ve sent instructions to Rich and Steve some time ago.


I’ll check on the hourly rates. But don’t get your hopes up - who knows maybe one of these fine customers will put you to use :slight_smile:

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Is there a way to roll a patch back? A new upgrade was patched to the latest and has a LOT of External BAQs.

In case you missed the email, Epicor suggests only working with Epicor Certified partners.

Not sure if you qualify… :wink:

For the appserver yes, reverse the process. The database not without restore.

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Thanks for all the followup guys. I hope this gets out sooner than planned :crossed_fingers:

This will be patched in 10.2.600.13



Good news. I’m [im]patiently waiting.


Anyone have issues with Multi-Company Continuous Processing in 10.2.600? Our has a Next Run but it never runs. @JeffLeBert did Continuous Processing break?

It’s just stuck in Next Run, manually kick off works fine.

Sorry, I don’t know of any changes we made in that area that would cause an issue like that.

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I figured I ask, since I know you guys made some changes to TA. No errors in any logs, it even updates the Next Run On… but it never runs, logging TA, App Server, IIS, Windows (all looks good)… I figured since not many folks are running Continuous perhaps they didn’t see the issue… I hope its not a issue… because Continuous is currently the only way we can run… (Data issues).

Verbose SeriLog

Somehow the query must be wrong… its skipping my task… never finding it.

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I figured it out… So a Restart no longer will run the Startup tasks, maybe it never did before either. If you have multiple TA all must be stopped and then you start atleast 1 and Startup tasks are ran. I did stop 1 of them, but it didnt kick off until all of the TAs were stopped.

If you have Startup’s you must do a Stop of all TAs.

If you have a single TA then a Stop/Start worked while a Restart didn’t trigger them. FYI

That is weird. I had heard something like this, but it was very rare and we have never been able to reproduce. A number of these “weird” issues turn out to be operator failure. Now that you’ve figured out some steps to reproduce we may be able to track it down.

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I’ll keep an eye, see if its as simple as:

Reproduction Steps:

  1. Schedule Something to a Startup Schedule
  2. Restart Task Agent
  3. See Nothing Run


  1. Schedule Something to a Startup Schedule
  2. Stop Task Agent
  3. Start Task Agent
  4. Epicor Magic

But perhaps this is favorable behavior? A Single TA being restarted behaves differently than Start/Stop. Perhaps by Design? Perhaps always was that way… I just never noticed.


Interestingly enough, I don’t see any reference to ERPS-145562 in the release notes of 10.2.600.13 which is supposed to be the fix for the external BAQs. Shouldn’t a code fix like this be noted in the release notes?

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