Used wizard to create a child table, but the Add New part isn't showing

I used the customization wizard to add a child table (UD21) to UD20. I have done similar code many times in the past without issues. For some reason, I can’t add a new UD21 line.
How can I get the toolbar to see the actions for UD21? Finding the data works fine, I just can’t Add or Delete UD21 records. (update does work)

After some more testing, I have discovered that in 10.2.400.9 at least, adding a child table to a UD table parent does not let the Add or Delete function from the toolbar. You CAN add buttons to Add and Delete, just calling the generated procedures. It would be nicer to have it work from the toolbar, but there is this work around.
I find this behavior odd though, I have added UD06 child table to QuoteHed and UD16 child table to UD06 within the same screen and had it work. So I’m puzzled as to why they don’t work when there is no standard Epicor table in use.

You can always paste your Wizard Generated Code here, then we can easier take a look and see if we see anything.

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Well, it’s the same code generated for other tables. If I attach UD21 to Country (for example) the File, New contains New UD21. If I attach UD21 to UD20, the File, New is empty. (same with all the other UDs) I think it’s likely a bug in the .DLL files for the UD tables. But not something that Epicor will fix anytime soon since they don’t like to deal with customizations. (at least their support staff doesn’t) I’ll report it at least.
If someone knows of a way other than the code that is generated by the wizard to make that happen, I’d like to know how they do it, otherwise I’ll just use the work around of adding buttons to do it.