User ID in a BAQ

Hi Stephen and Thom,

I just wanted to thank you for this solution from several months ago. I needed to provide reporting to our hourly staff on their hours worked - but HR wanted each individual to see their hours only (and not everyones' hours). Since there isn't a way to wrap security around a user in MES in 8.03.407 (at least, not that I could find) for a custom MES button/dashboard - and the development for a web-style solution wasn't in the cards (a la Jose Gomez) - I basically used "{BAQReportResult.EmpBasic.EmpID}= {BAQReportParameter.DCDUserID}" in the CR Record Selection to limit the displayed data. Although I have to setup each MES user with a Vantage login, they are limited to this report as their only selection in Vantage.

Old posts never die - thank goodness! :-)


--- In, "Stephen Edginton" <stephene@...> wrote:
> Yes you can do it in either in the dashboard or the BAQ designer phase
> builder.
> Regards,
> Stephen
> From: [] On Behalf
> Of Thomas Rose
> Sent: 16 February 2010 17:31
> To:
> Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ
> Okay, I think I see how that will work. I just set a filter in my
> dashboard query to set my GL user ID field equal to the constant
> CurrentUserID. Do I understand that correctly?
> Thanks!
> Thom Rose
> Controller
> Electric Mirror LLC
> "The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"
> T 425 776-4946
> A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA
> Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any
> attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the
> intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or
> dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
> received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
> telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even
> though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any
> virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which
> it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to
> ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by
> Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its
> use
> From: <>
> [ <> ] On
> Behalf Of Stephen Edginton
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:24 AM
> To: <>
> Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ
> You can create a criteria on the table as table constants and the field
> currentuserid this is available in 803. (you have to uncheck the
> checkbox constants)
> So it is a bit confusing but available
> Regards
> Stephen
> From: <>
> <> [
> <> <>]
> On Behalf
> Of Thomas Rose
> Sent: 16 February 2010 17:18
> To: <>
> <>
> Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ
> Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
> want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
> based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
> dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
> GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
> include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
> to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL
> account.
> Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
> dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
> dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.
> Thom Rose
> Controller
> Electric Mirror LLC
> "The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"
> T 425 776-4946
> A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA
> From: <>
> <> <>
> [ <>
> <> <> ]
> On
> Behalf Of Roel Martinez
> Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
> To: <>
> <> <>
> Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ
> Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
> are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
> that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal
> Report.
> Regards.
> Roel Martinez
> ERP Analyst
> 8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
> Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:
> 817-852-1705
> [cid:image002.jpg@...
> <mailto:image002.jpg%4001CAAEF1.B1722680>
> <mailto:image002.jpg%4001CAAEF1.B1722680>
> <mailto:image002.jpg%4001CAAEF1.B1722680>
> <mailto:image002.jpg%4001CAAEF1.B1722680>]
> Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
> any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
> privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
> party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
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> its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
> sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
> disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
> received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and
> delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
> violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
> The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
> conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
> document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
> of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
> indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
> Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
> requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
> constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
> Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
> Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
> electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
> aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
> any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
> signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the
> recipient.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Can I reference the current User ID in a BAQ? I tried creating a calculated field that was simply USERID, but although the syntax checked okay, the query threw an error when I tried to run it. The query runs fine without the calculated field. (8.03.403)

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal Report.


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax: 817-852-1705


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement. Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the recipient.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
In 8.03 no, in E9 yes. In E9 it is Constants.CurrentUserID

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:03 AM
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Can I reference the current User ID in a BAQ? I tried creating a
calculated field that was simply USERID, but although the syntax checked
okay, the query threw an error when I tried to run it. The query runs
fine without the calculated field. (8.03.403)

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL account.

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: [] On Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal Report.


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax: 817-852-1705


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Why can't you just put security on it? It is a menu item isn't it?

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax


From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:18 AM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<
<> >

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

<> >
8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and
delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
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The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
You can create a criteria on the table as table constants and the field
currentuserid this is available in 803. (you have to uncheck the
checkbox constants)

So it is a bit confusing but available



From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: 16 February 2010 17:18
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and
delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I could put security on it, and that may be the way I end up doing it, but there is a group of managers who I want to have access to it in general. I want John to have access to the GL transactions he is responsible for, and I want Mary to have access to the GL transactions she is responsible for, and so forth. The most elegant arrangement is to allow them all to access the same form, but have the BAQ return a different set of transactions depending on who is accessing the form.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use

From: [] On Behalf Of Manasa Reddy
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Why can't you just put security on it? It is a menu item isn't it?

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@...<> <mailto:manasa@...<>>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax


From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:18 AM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<
<> >

From:<> <>
[<> <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To:<> <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

<> >
8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
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delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Okay, I think I see how that will work. I just set a filter in my dashboard query to set my GL user ID field equal to the constant CurrentUserID. Do I understand that correctly?


Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use

From: [] On Behalf Of Stephen Edginton
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

You can create a criteria on the table as table constants and the field
currentuserid this is available in 803. (you have to uncheck the
checkbox constants)

So it is a bit confusing but available



From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: 16 February 2010 17:18
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From:<> <>
[<> <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To:<> <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and
delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
violation of federal criminal law and state laws.
The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Yes you can do it in either in the dashboard or the BAQ designer phase



From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: 16 February 2010 17:31
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Okay, I think I see how that will work. I just set a filter in my
dashboard query to set my GL user ID field equal to the constant
CurrentUserID. Do I understand that correctly?


Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any
attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the
intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or
dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even
though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any
virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which
it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to
ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by
Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Stephen Edginton
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:24 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

You can create a criteria on the table as table constants and the field
currentuserid this is available in 803. (you have to uncheck the
checkbox constants)

So it is a bit confusing but available



From: <>
<> [
<> <>]
On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: 16 February 2010 17:18
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: <>
<> <>
[ <>
<> <> ]
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: <>
<> <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
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its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
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any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

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Ok that makes sense...

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <mailto:manasa@...>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax


From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:26 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

I could put security on it, and that may be the way I end up doing it,
but there is a group of managers who I want to have access to it in
general. I want John to have access to the GL transactions he is
responsible for, and I want Mary to have access to the GL transactions
she is responsible for, and so forth. The most elegant arrangement is to
allow them all to access the same form, but have the BAQ return a
different set of transactions depending on who is accessing the form.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<
<> >

Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any
attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the
intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or
dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this message in error, please immediately notify us by
telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even
though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any
virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which
it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to
ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by
Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Manasa Reddy
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 9:19 AM
To: <>
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Why can't you just put security on it? It is a menu item isn't it?

M. Manasa Reddy

manasa@... <>
<> <mailto:manasa@...
<> <>>


630.806.2000 ofc

630.806.2001 fax


From: <>
<> [
<> <>]
On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 11:18 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<
< <> > >

From: <>
<> <>
[ <>
<> <> ]
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: <>
<> <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

<> > >
8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
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Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Tom, the UserID on the account is a SHORTCHAR field on the account
correct? Steve is correct in that you can put a filer on the dashboard
query to show records that your SHORCHAR = CURUSERID. The BAQ would be
flat out while the dashboard would show limited records.

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From: [] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From: <>
[ <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
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delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
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Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Yes, that is correct. I am working on doing it as Steve suggested. Thanks.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

Note: The information contained in the e-mail, including any attachments, is legally privileged and confidential. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any reading, use or dissemination of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please immediately notify us by telephone at 425-776-4946 and delete this message from your system. Even though this e-mail and any attachments are believed to be free of any virus or other defect that might affect any computer system into which it is received and opened, it is the responsibility of the recipient to ensure that it is virus free, and no responsibility is accepted by Electric Mirror LLC for any loss or damage arising in any way from its use

From: [] On Behalf Of CharlieSmith
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:47 AM
Subject: RE: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Tom, the UserID on the account is a SHORTCHAR field on the account
correct? Steve is correct in that you can put a filer on the dashboard
query to show records that your SHORCHAR = CURUSERID. The BAQ would be
flat out while the dashboard would show limited records.

Charlie Smith

Smith Business Services / 2W Technologies LLC <> /

From:<> [<>] On Behalf
Of Thomas Rose
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: [Vantage] RE: User ID in a BAQ

Charlie indicates I cannot access the User ID in a BAQ in 8.03. What I
want the user ID for is to restrict dashboard access to information
based on whether a user is allowed to see a particular record. My
dashboard will be a listing of general ledger transactions. Each of my
GL accounts has a user ID associated with the account. If I could
include the current user as a field in the BAQ, I could restrict the BAQ
to only return records where the current user is associated with the GL

Perhaps there is another way to accomplish this? I'm pretty new to
dashboards, so maybe there is some way to capture the user ID in the
dashboard and limit the records returned there? Any ideas are welcome.

Thom Rose
Electric Mirror LLC

"The World Leader in Back-lit Mirrors & Mirror TV Technology"

T 425 776-4946
A 11831 Beverly Park Rd, Bldg D, Everett, WA 98204 USA<>

From:<> <>
[<> <> ] On
Behalf Of Roel Martinez
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010 8:21 AM
To:<> <>
Subject: [Vantage] User ID in a BAQ

Thom, I really don't know if you can do it in a straight BAQ, but if you
are doing a BAQReport, there is a field in the BAQReportParameter table
that shows who ran it (DCDUserID) and you can use for your Crystal


Roel Martinez
ERP Analyst

8653 E. Hwy 67 | Alvarado, TX 76009
Phone: 817-852-1700 ext. 11858 | Direct Line: 817-852-1858 |Fax:


Sabre Industries, Inc. ("Sabre") E-MAIL NOTICE - This transmission and
any attachments may be confidential or subject to a legally recognized
privilege and is intended only to be received and read by the proper
party having a reason to send communications to or from Sabre. If you do
not believe that you are the proper recipient of this message because of
its address, contents and/or otherwise believe that this message was
sent to you in error, you should not disclose, print, copy or
disseminate the information contained in this message. If you have
received this in error, please reply and notify the sender (only) and
delete the message. Unauthorized interception of this e-mail is a
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The text in this communication does not reflect an intention by Sabre to
conduct a transaction or make any agreement by electronic means. Only a
document which bears a handwritten signature of an authorized signatory
of Sabre shall be binding upon Sabre and such documents may be attached
indicating a desire to conduct a transaction or make any agreement.
Nothing contained in the text of this message shall satisfy the
requirements for a writing, and nothing contained herein shall
constitute a contract or electronic signature under the Electronic
Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act, any version of the
Uniform Electronic Transactions Act or any other statute governing
electronic transactions or any statutory adoptions or equivalents of the
aforementioned acts and convention, and any other laws or regulations of
any state or country related to electronic contracts, electronic
signatures, or electronic records shall not apply to Sabre or the

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